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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. This era is so iconic, I cannot!!! The timeline is gonna be so funny to read!!!
  2. I listened to the album while taking a shower, candles on, music loud......I collapsed on the floor multiple times. My water bill is gonna be high but it was worth it.
  3. But.....why is your post in a spoiler if you haven't listened to it or have anything to spoil....?
  4. Lust for Life Lana is here to check these tasteless hookers @Bunny Mozart you have no choice but to stan. I don't make the rules
  5. pffffffff, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT COMING TO YOU WITH DBJAG BESTIE!!!!!! it knocked me the fuck OUT!!
  6. Period!! and really, the praise is well deserved. I really have no low point in the whole album! it's all good! I'm happy she kept it a short 11 tracks! It's perfection.
  7. I may have listened to the album multiple times, but I'm very much looking forward to reading what you kweens have to say about it!!!
  8. It's destroying me every time I listen. And Yosemite makes me feel better and accept that my Summer youth years are numbered, but that's okay, because some things never change, like feeling mentally young.
  9. Venice Bitch is amazing but bb, it's not on any level that COCC is at. And TRUST, that's a good thing! I love VB. You are gonna FREAK when you listen to the album!
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