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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. The way I actually remember you saying that!! PETITION TO ADD THIS TO THE CHEMTRAILS TIMELINE!!!!
  2. Headline: "Lana Del Rey is becoming an aunt and it shows"
  3. Listen, I'm with you I never had a problem with the cover. I see Lana smiling being all happy in the moment. And it was captured. I think the cover is pure sweetness and love. Drag me ladies.
  4. Lentilus

    Still Woozy

    Omg kween, by the title of this thread you created, I thought you got COVID and recovered but still feel woozy.
  6. The gorls are melting down again....I guess this means the Era has reached it's peak.
  7. we been though some shit on LB and it shows
  8. Legit, if she ever sets a wedding date. LanaBoards would probably have a ceremony like the lipster awards
  9. If she needs to take a break before that happens, I'm here for it. Literally, every era we think she's retiring. The Greatest had the gorls shook.
  10. I stan this, the stans talk enough shit about everything she does, of course she's gonna want out. Wouldn't you? Love ya'll but you gotta chill. It's her fantasy, not you' res, we're just blessed enough to listen to her music. Her life's work that we connect to. Show her a little more love.
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