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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. The way Lana was really the one who caused Jack to snap. So really Lana snapped, Jack was probably scared during the recording of DBJAG. He wanted those friendly Christmas bells to cheer him up.
  2. OMG we won! Jack snapped for Chemtrails, but Rock Candy Sweet needs a more wild producer! Daddy Rick, entered the fucking chat! Jack is cancelled again.
  3. I think it's a safe guess that she was indeed talking about the covers album and RCS.
  4. Just as I got used to her dried and fried blonde hair, she goes back to jet black. I think a cute blonde look would have been cute for this album!
  5. The Next Best American Album........ Record, sounded better.
  6. I've been saying this all along. Her diss album is finally arriving.
  7. Listen to our dear honeybadger. Spilling logic.
  8. Watch Ellie become the new Sophie, with the embroidered roses.
  9. Ngl, I thought it was super sad that she fell ad broke her elbow...that must have been an actual blow to her self-esteem! Like fuck....WD reallymanifested that!
  10. wait a min...we thinking RBFY is on RCS...WE HAVE SOMETHING TO SHAZAM!!!
  11. Keep your clown dress at the ready ladies, the circus is coming.
  12. Omg I-.The more Yosemite appreciation the better! I truly think it's gonna be her most misunderstood song! The way so many youtube reactions thought it was about a man! Yosemite is a coming to terms and loving with ageing in a society that values youth. Truly a look into oneself.
  13. Let's all breakdown! Honestly surprised not more people made the Summer(Youth) almost being gone, connection. I'm 28, so my dumbass is feeling all sentimental n shit.
  14. Exactly! VB was the first steps into realization of it being okay that youth is fading! And it all comes back to Yosemite, and Lust for Life. The fact that Yosemite was created, basically on the fly, means that Lana must have already been thinking about this transition into the next phase after youth. But in her LFL era, she just wasn't there yet. Idk, it's the most logical connection that really stuck out for me. The human experience is so complex and beautiful.
  15. Omg, for real! That Summer(Youth) connection murdered me when I first listened to WD. Yosemite cured my death though
  16. Excuse the long post! I never really posted my opinion on the album, and wanted to share that now. I really like the album, though I can't hear why Lana mentioned it was like NFR's little sister. I don't think they're sibling albums at all tbh! I really liked how Chemtrails kept with an overall theme of her singing about the seasons as a symbolism for her age. White Dress blew me away because it was so confronting. (I can see why she felt uncomfortable with the track) That lyric of her singing that Summer(youth) is almost gone. It's the ultimate goodbye to a certain stage of life. The title track is a smooth continuation of that WD theme. I like the song too, it's aged quite good for me! It almost sounds better than when it released. TJF, it's like my/our new stripper anthem. idk, the vibe it puts me in is beyond! LMLYLAW is still pretty to me, but it sidetracks from the overall theme imo. Would have worked better with NFR. Wild at Heart is one of my favorites ngl. I just love how it makes me feel! And I love that it samples How to Disappear! It's almost like a response to that song, a positive one! DBJAG is great, I love that it gives me LFL vibes. NAWWAL is gorgeous. It's in my head everyday. It just puts me in a beautiful green field of my own mind. YOSEMITE!!! From winter to Spring, and Spring back to Fall This song I feel like it's misunderstood a lot, especially by the locals. I was saddened to hear people wonder why Lana said it was too happy because it sounded sad to them. Yosemite really tells me the story of why she said that. The song really explains to me that she's finally accepted the fact that her youth is done. She's in another mature phase of life. But that's a great thing, because with this acceptance, comes a great comfort and happiness that one could not achieve during our youth(summer) years. As for the rest of the album. It took me two weeks to love BUS and for Free. But I got there. DTWD is so lovely. Overall I like the album, and atm enjoy it more than NFR. In comparison, NFR was a bit of a random themed album. Which isn't a bad thing, but I like a good theme. Chemtrails is not the summer vibes that I wanted, but it's something that I know I'll hold close to myself whenever I need to take a walk alone and connect with my own thoughts. Very much looking forward to RCS album! Also, For Free grew on me so hard! The intro alone is pure sunshine!
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