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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 7 (-) IT'S FOR YOSEMITE The Yosemite: 75 (+)
  2. White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 9 (-) DO IT The Yosemite: 73 (+
  3. White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 11 (-) The Yosemite: 71 (+)
  4. OMG NO confusion! White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 13 The Yosemite: 69 (+)
  5. White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 15 The Yosemite: 66 (+) oops
  6. White Dress: 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 16 The Yosemite: 65 (+)
  7. White Dress 24 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 18 The Yosemite: 63 (+)
  8. White Dress 23 We're gonna get in trouble when the other users wake up Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 19 The Yosemite: 63 (+)
  9. White Dress: 24 (-) STOOOOP OMG Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 61 (+)
  10. White Dress 26 omg sorry!! Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 59
  11. edit your post king White Dress 28 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 57
  12. WD is gonna be extra painful. But down she goes!!!!!!! White Dress 30 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 55
  13. White Dress 30 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 55 MUST WIN AT ALL COSTS
  14. White Dress 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 The Yosemite: 53 @DeluluKing white dress next?
  15. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: OUT!!!!!!!!!! The Yosemite: 54 (+)
  16. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 2 (-) The Yosemite: 52 (+)
  17. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 3 (-) The Yosemite: 51 (+)
  18. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 4 (-) The Yosemite: 50 (+
  19. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 6 (-) The Yosemite: 48 (+)
  20. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 6 (-) LLESSS GOOOOOO The Yosemite: 48 (+)
  21. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 8 (-) The Yosemite: 46 (+)
  22. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 10 (-) The Yosemite: 44 (+)
  23. White Dress: 32 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 21 Wild At Heart: 12 (-) The Yosemite: 42 (+)
  24. White Dress: 31 Chemtrails Over The Country Club: 22 Wild At Heart: 11 (-) The Yosemite: 43 (+)
  25. White Dress 30 Chemtrails 22 Wild At Heart 13 Yosemite 40
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