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Everything posted by Lentilus

  1. Omg, surprised but not surprised.
  2. How is she Latina? I'm confined, what does that even mean? Say yes to heaven can literally go delete itself.
  3. Oh no worries! I totally agree too! I understand it's not fat shaming! It is what it is. Some clothes just become a bit stressed in certain areas. It's strange she'd even recycle a look for a tv recording imo. Like....sis has money honey.
  4. I mean, Lana obviously gained weight. It still fits her just fine, but I understand what you mean yes. Still, she looks great.
  5. The way Lana really wore the leather outfit y'all hated so much during the NFR tour.
  6. I mean, did you really expect her to otherwise?
  7. Why would Lana even perform a cocc song and then promote the covers album. Its confusing AF!!!! Something really isn't adding up!
  8. Something's fishy about that tweet. I don't believe it. I won't believe it.
  9. Lana probably didn't even know what to sing until she got in her car on the way to recording the performance.
  10. I don't think so, I think it's the curls that makes it look shorter.
  11. Lentilus

    Cyberpunk 2077

    She looks killer!!
  12. That doesnt tell me much tbh, they named many of her works. Maybe I'm being delusional, but I dont think she'd perform a snoozefest as her first tv appearance.
  13. Lentilus

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Hmm, I'm honestly surprised the launch is messy!! I had a.strange feeling after all the delays, but I really thought they'd pull through on their launch day! I'll def be waiting a month or two before I buy it. Hopefully patches fix it.
  14. Basically, she just needs to get the hell away from Jack.
  15. Lentilus

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Is the game as buggy as people are saying it is?
  16. "boom like that" is total trash.
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