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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. Just now, hayden del rey said:

    BYEEEEE… i don’t drink but for snacks i think you should eat cheezits while listening to the album lol. :popcorn: i just love cheezits. i don’t eat tacos either but i think that would be a good idea if you like them bc of taco truck x vb


    maybe you could buy a candy necklace too, that would be fun :hooker:

    omg waitttt im def getting taco bell. and maybe some white claws. i’m not sure where i would find a candy necklace but i feel like tacos is definitely the move!

  2. 11 minutes ago, love deluxe said:

    also, for those who have heard the leaks, what alcoholic beverage is this album to you? i need inspiration so i can have a little bevvy during my listening party at home tomorrow night.:lolliney:


    also,,,, what kinda snacks should i get? :mj:

    now i know one of y’all gotta be an alcoholic like me so why is no one answering :crossed:

  3. so even though i just lost my job a couple days ago i will NOT be canceling my vinyl orders and will in fact be going to target on friday to purchase a 4th copy because i’m impatient for my other 3 to ship :hottie:


    also, for those who have heard the leaks, what alcoholic beverage is this album to you? i need inspiration so i can have a little bevvy during my listening party at home tomorrow night.:lolliney:


    also,,,, what kinda snacks should i get? :mj:

  4. 2 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    They were going mental over her mask- do you know how unhinged twitter is?

    that was 3 years ago. plus, i think some (not ALL) of the heat she received was deserved. couldn’t really care less about QFTC or the COCC album cover but the mask thing really was in poor taste, in my honest opinion. but, like i said, that was 3 years ago and no one really remembers that or seems to care. she bounced back from those scandals pretty quickly and she’s bigger than she’s ever been at this point, so i don’t think we really need to worry about anything in this album “canceling” her. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Creyk said:

    Way to blame a woman for a man's mistakes

    This literally does not matter and you are just making something out of nothing for what reason exactly? Being dramatic on here?

    making a big deal about r*pe isn’t making a big deal about nothing or being dramatic lmao.

    personally, i don’t really care about the whole judah thing myself, as i haven’t heard the album or the interlude in context yet, but if someone feels icky about it, that’s not for you or anyone else to comment on or police them about. “this literally does not matter” to YOU which is why you should keep your opinion off the subject. hope this helps ❤️ :) 

  6. 8 minutes ago, maysparkle said:
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    I love them all so much, but my favorite track right now is Let The Light In. I’m listening to it on edibles and it’s just so cute and lifting. I think her voice blends perfectly with Father John Misty’s and would love more collaborations in the future. I love her cover of Buddy’s Rendezvous.


    I’m also glad FJM worked with David Lynch. And now I’m thinking how cool it would be if she could work with David Lynch. I love the album he produced and co-wrote for Christa Bell. And of course Julee Cruise’s first record. I think he and Lana would make a dark but exciting sound together. Similar to what Trent Reznor did for Halsey. 🤔


    david lynch x lana has been my dream collab since forever. 

  7. (sorry for another needlessly long post) :hottie:


    i’ve been doing an LDR discography binge today while cleaning my room. (starting with AKA and making my way through the rest). i’m currently in the middle of Terrence, and it reminded me of the first time I heard it. it was my first full era as a fully fledged Lana fan, (i wasnt quite as obsessive back then as i am now, but i definitely was there for all of the single releases, starting with that album). i remember listening to TLY on Youtube on the couch at my grandma’s house up in the mountains and just being enamored with the beauty of it all. my grandma unfortunately passed two decembers ago due to complications from COVID. that song always reminded me of her and a lot of Lanas music in general reminds me of her. i remember camping with her and my grandpa in the orgeon and washington forests and mountains in the summer of 2019, and i still remember the day Lana posted the first snippet of the NFR title track on instagram. to hear Lana call back to Terrence Loves You’s melody in The Grants, and sample NFR in A&W were both indicators that for me, this album was most definitely going to be one i never forgot. there are so many beautiful as well as painful memories that i can absolutely tell went into the construction of this album for Lana, and so many of those memories are called back for me while listening to the songs that i’ve heard so far. i’m really very grateful for it, truly. <3

  8. 6 minutes ago, Dontforgetme26 said:

    Is it just me or all Lana fans Aries? Like the album comes out 1 day b4 my birthday and I’m seeing everyone posting that it’s coming out around their birthdays…. Also my bestie who’s a Lana Stan is an Aries.

    as a scorpio sun, cancer moon, pisces rising with no aries placements, i can not approve this message 💔

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