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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. ik a lot of people hate the setlist this tour, and i get that since most of you have probably seen her live before, but as someone who's never seen her live and is finally getting to in less than a week, I'm honestly really happy about the setlist and am still very excited to see my idol sing these songs. i wish she would add some honeymoon because it's my favorite album along with NFR!, but i have no problems with the songs she has been singing as i love every song she's ever released. <3

  2. uh wow. how about we don't criticize her appearance? just because she's famous doesn't make it okay for people to go after her looks. she is still a person and I'm sure 99% of the people behind the keyboards spewing hate about Lana's appearance (which isn't that bad in the first place) are probably not the prettiest people to walk the Earth either. it's sad that LDR felt the need to use plastic surgery to feel better about her face or for whatever reason she did it. but people talking so hatefully about her appearance aren't doing any good. she's a human being entitled to her physical autonomy, and that's that. I'm all for free speech but some of the comments I've read in this thread are really appalling and while I don't like to sound like I'm on a high horse, please do fucking better than dragging her looks.

  3. Screw you. I honestly can't with y'all fake ass feminists going against other women for sharing their experiences, calling them problematic and saying they romanticize shit and whatnot. She's an artist she doesn't have to oblige to your so called SJWs book of rules, she can do what she wants. If anything trying to act like she's all about girl power/Hollywood feminism all of a sudden actually makes her look quite disingenuous in my honest opinion. She was just tired of being labeled as problematic by these so called music critics and twitter/tumblr SJWs so she just changed her narrative and it shows, and it's honestly just sad.



    while i dont think that the newer songs make her sound disingenuous, i do agree that she was NEVER really anti-feminist. she said the concept was uninteresting to her, and while i think that shows a little ignorance, the themes in her songs have always been feminist and i think the people criticizing her for her older work are just looking for something to nitpick. ultraviolence is infamous for its abuse subject matter, but people view it in a light that's completely unfair and *surprise surprise* sexist.

  4. This song might be old news already, but still. I dislike this fake "feminist" concept of looking down on men, playing with their feelings, treating them like "boys", etc. It would be ok if it was an ordinary playful song, but we all know where they're coming from with this message. Hollywood couldn't care less about men, women or anything, it's just pandering.

    I'm also suspicious of so-called feminists who openly talk about being with taken men.

    this is a dumb take.

  5. ALSO let me just say that each Lana album (to me, at least) has its strengths as well as its pitfalls. each album is important to me for different reasons and so i find it hard to rank them because i always THINK i know how i feel retrospectively. however, when i relisten to lust for life (the one i claim often is my least favorite), i find myself in love with it all over again. every song is great, (even coachella), and while i occasionally think it's a little messy in terms of cohesion, the songs still flow well together and DO feel like they belong on the same album. for me, the strengths of each albums are as follows:



    born to die: innovative, a completely unique record for its time, aged incredibly well, plus the nostaliga factor. messy in cohesion, but it feels intentional.

    paradise: writing became more developed, her sound from born to die was more refined, and felt more cohesive here. nostaliga, once again.

    ultraviolence: its uncompromisingly lana lyric wise. however, i think the greatest strength of this album is that she did a complete switch on her sound and did an almost 100 percent rock album with few exceptions. she really didn't give a fuck during this era.

    honeymoon: this album is one of her (objectively) stronger ones. lyrically, instrumentally, cohesively, etc. lana managed to check all the boxes and make a record that maintains a sound throughout but (to me) never feels particularly worn out. the blending of strings and hip hop is something that we saw on born to die, but on this record, lana managed to refine it to be 80% strings and 20% hip hop, so as to be more muted.

    lust for life: this record is very timely. 2017 was a hellish time and this record really reflects that lyrically. the writing was a little messy, but to me it never felt unnecessary. the production was sleek and smooth, similar to born to die, but amping up the trap beats. i personally really love it, but understand why people don't.

    norman fucking rockwell: her writing is arguably stronger than ever, as well as is her ability to make amazing melodies. this record is the one she's been trying to make since the beginning, i think. it's her most introspective, but shines some light on the world around her as well. production-wise, it does sound a little cheap. but to me, that harkens back to music from the 1970's a bit. anyone else who's heard ANY jack antonoff record knows how clean his production usually is (ie melodrama) so there's no reason to blame him for choices that lana most likely made as she's in creative control most of the time.

    anyways yeah those are my personal strengths with each ldr record xx

  6. I can't believe the thought "LFL is a better produced record than NFR!" even arose in someone's mind, let alone someone having the audacity to type said thought and post it on a public forum. Embarrassing.


    neither are BETTER produced than the other. one sounds more expensive and polished than the other, which sounds more fuzzy and inexpensive in comparison. while i prefer NFR's production, i can totally understand why some would prefer LFL's because of the difference in mic quality, mixing, etc.

    The only genre that Lana hasn’t touched at all is edm. I would love a techno album just for the shock factor.

    please dont manifest this into a reality
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