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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. this is all I'm gonna say on the matter: i think ldr fumbled the word choice big time. however, i really don't think she was trying to "drag" or "shade" anyone. i definitely feel like it'd be dumb to just excuse what she said 100%, but she also brought up a lot of valid points , as well. her point about feminism and how it's portrayed in the popular music industry was incredibly poignant and something that I've been trying to articulate surrounding the public's view of lana for some time, now. never did she say anything negative about those women, and it's also important to note that she didn't just mention WOC. i think her point is more along the lines of "how come feminism has become so restrictive in this day and age that the singular viewpoint of it is that women need to be strong and independent all the time? and why is there no room in a space that claims to be about empowerment for a woman like me to make music about my personal experiences?" and that's a point i sympathize with heavily. i think if she had articulated it differently, people would have easily understood it and there wouldn't have been this abundance of controversy surrounding it.

  2. i personally don't think we're getting white hot forever till AT LEAST early 2021, but knowing LDR it's probably gonna be late summer 2021 :/. i mean as long as the music is good I'll personally not care too much about when it's released, but the wait can kinda suck. however, the record always feels like more of a treat when we're made to wait a bit longer, i think. part of what made norm such a fun album cycle for me was not knowing what ldr was gonna do next, and then when NFR finally did drop, MAC and VB had been out for a year already, giving me time to really appreciate that sound and how it meshed with lana. i know a lot of people hated the NFR album cycle, but i personally think waiting isn't TOO bad a thing.

  3. how's everyone enjoying NFR now that it's been 8 months (wow, time flies.)? personally, i think Norman Fucking Rockwell! managed to surpass each and every one of her other records in just about every way, but especially from a lyrical standpoint. it's just so good and it even got me writing and playing some music of my own. i think this is in a lot of ways our generation's BIG album. there are many BIG albums of this generation, obviously, but i feel like this is up in that hall of fame, y'know? idk if that makes sense, but that's how I personally feel about it. My favorite songs are venice bitch, the greatest, mariners, happiness, norm, hope, fuck it i love you, cinnamon girl, love song, bartender... basically every song. even the next best american record grew on me despite still not surpassing the demo in my eyes. how to disappear is a beautiful track that just ages better with time, as well. what an album and what an amazing woman. can't wait to see what she does next.

  4. i highly doubt she'll win, but this is honestly really great for her and im so proud she's finally receiving the acclaim she deserves! it definitely took too long, as she has yet to release a lackluster record (even lust for life has some pretty amazing moments and was one of the best albums of that year, which further showcases how talented she is). I'm just really excited to see her gain more public attention and critical acclaim. Norman really is deserving of album of the year, but even if it doesn't win, I'm glad it was at least recognized.

  5. also I just wanna say that Lana Del Rey has officially gotten to the point where she has too many records for there to be a favorite song for me from her. It's impossible for me. If I had to choose a favorite from each record, it'd probably be


    Born To Die - Video Games

    Paradise - Bel Air

    Ultraviolence - Brooklyn Baby

    Honeymoon - Freak

    Lust For Life - 13 Beaches

    Norman Fucking Rockwell - Venice Bitch or Happiness Is A Butterfly

  6. Reading everyone's different personal experiences with this record has been so inspiring and beautiful. We don't all agree on things, but that's what makes it special. We all see things differently and I think this thread has done a great job showcasing our individuality and the different wavelengths we all fall under. Luv u all and luv this record with my whole heart. Lana has done a lot for me this year, from me winning the signed UO vinyl, to her responding to my question in a livestream, to finally actually getting to see her live in concert for the first time. It has been a magical time for me, and I hope that for all of you, it has been just as magical if not more. If not, your time will come. I assure you. I've been a fan since 2014, and it took till now for things to really happen. It's been a blast. Luv u all once again.

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