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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. I wrote this in the VBOTTG Spoken Word thread, but I wonder if those bundles that are now taken down were COTCC and VBBOTG paired together and the reason they're not available is because COTCC hasn't been formally announced yet.


    It could be a glitch and that's why they were showing up but no information was there with it - because COTCC isn't available on the store yet.


    Given both albums' coinciding releases, it would make sense to bundle them.

    wait, what bundles???

  2. im actually glad we've had no news about the album. the silence only makes me anticipate it more. i know no one believes it's coming in September, but i really have faith in her, to be honest. she usually doesn't announce a set date unless it's set in stone. I'm hoping for an album full of poetic lyrics and beautiful instrumentation. not knowing what we're getting into makes it all the more exciting. what made NFR an underwhelming first listen (for me, at least) is that we were bombarded with snippets and teasers over the course of a whole year. i feel like with her previous albums, they all had stronger first listens because they were (a bit) more ambiguous. this is her most ambiguous pre-release method i think she's ever taken, and that excites me so much.

  3. you guys do know the reason that 4 sided albums exist is to have better audio quality, right? the less songs on a side, the wider the grooves are which in turn allows for higher quality listening. if she fit more songs onto a side, it would sound a lot shittier. like the Ultraviolence standard edition LP; that's only one record (two sides) and in my experience it sounds the worst when compared to her other albums.

  4. born to die isn't my favourite but in terms of what she'll be remembered by i think that's it... especially in the UK where it sold so much, it definitely has longevity. a few days ago my favourite uk rapper, dave, posted a pic of the btd vinyl on his ig story  :flutter:

    honestly i agree. born to die (while not my favorite or her objective best) is her most influential work and basically created a whole new subgenre of 2010s/2020s pop music.

  5. Split btwn the Flaunt mag shoot v. Galore mag. maybe an updated fusion of it both.. Slim Aarons filter it. 


    off-white pearlescent vinyl. 


    I hope there's a touch of wtf offness to it like her wielding a quarantino'd nerf gun from the HBTB vid 


    Aggressive HM vibes, w a touch of updated TNBAR chorus lyrics to piss people off


    satire. ice. ty




    THIS!!!! im really hoping we get some wacky weird shit honestly. the album title is already serving that vibe, so let's hope the album cover + music videos reflect that as well. lyrically and musically i expect it to be 100% different from anything we've heard honestly. she just seems to be in a weird place and i think the music will reflect that, too.

  6. I find that yes, I hear more maturity in her recent albums, but I don't think maturity always equals better song writing. He old lyrical style evoked so much more visuals and emotion in me. It wasn't just the instrumentals, as the acoustic demos get to me just as much, if not more.


    Can you tell me a bit more about why you think her writing has gotten better? I'd really like to know tbh  :ohno:


    And btw I like your comparison of old Hollywood vs indie film!


    in my opinion, she's just gotten sharper in her observations of the world around her. she seems to have taken real time to turn not only inward but toward the world around her. i also just love that she's able to have albums like Norman (soft, gentle, and free-flowing) coexist with albums like Ultraviolence which are way more cinematic and lush.

  7. honestly, I think everyone would be more pleasantly surprised with her albums if we all stopped having such specific expectations lol. high expectations are not the issue, but expecting her to make a record that sounds like Ultraviolence or any of her other records EVERY TIME is only setting yourself up for disappointment. Lets just go in blindly and hope that whatever she gives us is capable of standing as its own piece of artwork. There are valid critiques of NFR! and LFL but in my opinion, comparing them to her previous work isn't really fair.

  8. her songwriting has gotten so much better since born to die i have no idea what you're all on about lol. i definitely understand people missing a more lush and cinematic vibe to her instrumentals, but lyrically she's only improved. and personally, i think Norman is cinematic in its own way. it feels more like an indie film where born to die feels old hollywood.

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