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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. We got to get Trump out. And the only way to do that is to vote for Biden.


    A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Donald Trump.


    Some of these comments on here, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry because the ignorance I’m seeing is troublesome. I would really love to know what kids are being taught in schools now. I can not believe that someone in here literally just said that Obama and Trump are exactly the same. That screams ignorance.


    I studied every single President. I can actually name all of them in order. Trump is the worst President in American history. He must go!

    ignorance is believing everything Democrats tell you is true. trust me. i believe in most of the same values that liberals do, but I'm no liberal. im absolutely sure im not republican either. a two party system is undeniably flawed and to deny that much would be straight up lying.

  2. So the solution is to not kill terrorists? Not stop them? Let them get away with it?


    You hope that you can minimize and outright avoid civilian casualties but sadly there are civilian casualties sometimes. That is sadly the reality of war. And btw, I hate war.



    I’m done with this thread.


    So you don’t like Biden/Harris? Fine! Stay home! PLEASE DO NOT VOTE!! Allow Donald Trump to get four more years! Allow Trump to deport more people and trample over the civil rights of everyone! Allow Trump to replace RBG on the Supreme Court which will result in many women not being able to get safe access to abortions.


    Let Trump continue to destroy the environment. Let him end the world!


    So stay home youngsters! Let’s the old white dolls decide for you because people who will be head within the next ten years should totally decide your future.


    Just stay home, don’t vote. Smoke pot.


    Oh, just don’t start talking about politics if you don’t vote. If you don’t vote you have no business talking politics. I don’t want the opinion of someone who does not vote.

    if you don't like war, i don't understand why your head is so far up Obama's ass lol he's literally the reason that innocent people in the middle east are dead right now. not exactly something that qualifies someone as "a great president"

  3. “I’m in love but I didn’t choose it”


    She made The NA video with asap and black people while there were still movies made only including white people

    If she’s in love let her be in love, maybe she could change his ways of looking to the world

    sorry if this thread is getting off topic, but this is an incredibly ignorant stance to take. he's been a cop for a long time. he's had plenty of time to change his mind and he knows exactly what he's doing. and so does she. this isn't me attacking her. but i think celebrities need to be held accountable just as much as regular people do.

  4. to me, her political views is something i admire her for. like she once said she's not totally leaning to one side (democrats/conservatives i guess) which in my view make her more... thoughtful of certain issues? idk

    however, if she's really dating a cop who likes all lives matter posts, girl i'm unstanning

    while i respect the idea of being open minded and thoughtful, being a centrist is not a good thing in my opinion. i love her, but being a centrist is almost the same thing as not having an opinion at all.

  5. my opinion on lana and politics is very... complicated. on one hand, im very firm in my beliefs (especially in my opinions on cops, BLM, etc.) on the other hand, I've dedicated a lot of time to Lana. she's truly my muse in more ways than one. she's the reason I'm so interested in pursuing music and the reason i started writing. her music has helped me through a lot. i don't want to lose her over political stuff, but "political stuff" is more important to me than music. i guess idk. being a Lana stan in 2020 is difficult.

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