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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. whatever the record sounds like, I'm sure it will be different again. no two records of hers sound alike and i doubt she'd start repeating herself now. she clearly has a lot to say this time around and so much has happened since NFR that I'm positive that whatever emotions sparked that recent instagram post will manifest themselves into the album both lyrically and sonically. I'm very excited to see where it's headed.

  2. Idk to hit more on my previous post about the honeymoon era field pics. I can def see something in the vein of Christina’s World, the painting. Kind of like detached and expansive view. Maybe we can’t see her face. Maybe she is in a large open field/golf course sprawled on her back looking up at the sky @ a country club of course lol. Just a vibe in my mind.

    andrew fucking wyeth!
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