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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. 2 minutes ago, recklessdaughter said:

    first with the glamorous set, then the farm set, and now (possibly) a police station set... maybe this music video will be satirical and making fun of the different ways everyone views her... I’d love that

    can someone link me to pics of the "glamorous set" because i keep hearing about a mansion and stuff but have seen nothing :toofloppy:

  2. 1 minute ago, Nikogo said:

    Are we clowns for thinking this is coming out Saturday?? I’m trying so had to stay positive but her radio silence is really getting to me. I know it’s gonna come when it comes and she’s obviously working really hard, but we have no clue one way or the other. Except for a pre-order being in the source code and her saying the release date 4 months ago. I’ll be completely okay with it being delayed but this feels like L4L where we all think it’s happening and she waits till the day of to tweet ‘July 21st fam’


    I’m holding onto hope since Ben did say new music soon


    Praying to (Tulsa) Jesus (Freak) for my sanity this week

    my take on this is that her radio silence is actually a good thing. hear me out: with l4l, the reason she waited till the day of to announce to tweet "july 21 fam" was just because she never announced a May date. fans sort of jumped to conclusions based on random foreign websites listing it as that. her radio silence can actually be seen as a good thing if you really think about it. if it was going to be KNOWINGLY DELAYED, I'm sure she would let us know. and if not, then it simply comes when it comes and we'll unfortunately have to deal with the wait. but I'm sure she's working hard to make sure this album comes out when it needs to, to be honest.

  3. not knowing anything about this album is simultaneously the best and the worst thing about the era. like its killing me not knowing but also i love the mystery and intrigue its stirring. i know for a lot of people they wish she didn't announce it if she wasn't gonna promote it (or they wish that she just did a proper surprise release w/ no announcement.) but personally, i actually really like this pre-release period just because we have no concrete ideas about what the album will be like. its just very exciting :excited:

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