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love deluxe

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Posts posted by love deluxe

  1. if we get nothing by the end of the night, i will be really upset. its not necessarily her fault and I'd understand if it were delayed, but her music is really one of the only things i live for. it touches my soul in a way I've never felt before, so the prospect of a new record from her is just really exciting. hopefully, we're not dissapointed tonight, team delulu!!!

  2. 2 hours ago, Vertimus said:

    As I said, how are people going to react IF it turns out LDR has assumed the role of a trans woman for LMLYLAW, and that is who is speaking and saying “let me love you like a woman’ to, presumably, a CIS male? 

    It’s foolish to get upset or to challenge LDR when no one has even heard the song yet. 

    And, as always, it’s her ****ing song and she can say WHATEVER she wants in it, and then take the applause, the indifference and the attacks. Just like anyone else who gets up on the world stage. 

    trans person here, so i know what I'm talking about on this issue. lana can't assume the role of a trans woman in her music, period. it's insensitive for a multitude of reasons but the biggest one is that she's never had to endure what being a trans person is like. so her taking this identity that many wish they didn't have (dysmorphia is a bitch) and using it to essentially play dress up without having to endure what trans folks like myself have to DAILY would just be insulting. obviously she's not going to do any of this, but your comments come across as extremely ignorant and close minded.

  3. is there a thread for similarities between songs and poems on Norman and Violet? because recently i did a thing where i put the songs and poems in a playlist together, alternating between the two (for example: la, who am i to love you? and norman fucking rockwell! / hope is a dangerous thing and bare feet on linoleum) and i was very surprised at how many similarities there were between the corresponding tracks on the playlist. i would totally be down to make a list of them soon if no one else has done it, yet.

  4. 1 minute ago, vodkaa said:

    Semi agree w ya, which is a bit contradicting, but I really think Cinnamon should've been supported by another track, double video. that would've been great for her work and the fans would've loved that definitely. 

    love song + cinnamon girl are sister tracks and should've gotten a double video in my opinion 

    1 minute ago, plastiscguy said:

    Love Song / Cinnamon Girl




  5. Just now, Fart Deco said:


    whopsie I guess they were a thing in the US then :hillary:


    (I'm sorry I'm not american and I've never heard of them except Neil Young)

    its all good most of them are just kinda old country / folk singers. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Fart Deco said:




    Anyways, COCC will be a Christian Country album and each song will feature one (or more) of those obscure singers listed in the ig post!


    Can't wait to listen to Tulsa Jesus Freaks feat. Nathaniel RATeliff and Edie Brickell with Charlie Sexton :mj:

    most of those singers in the post are NOT obscure :toofloppy: just old :makeup:

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