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Everything posted by CinnamonGay

  1. SAID HE'D COME BAK EVERY MAY. OoOOah I can feel the collapse. The lines sound like the middle of the verse? Not the chorus or the starting right..?
  2. She wasted a real good opportunity during quarantine... A home concert. A fund raiser... A livestream covering folk songs I know she was pissed off due to Sean but she could have delivered so much content
  3. I dont think Lana is aiming for BB charts at all this time around. ... I'm pretty sure she will reach No1 this time though...no major releases are planned around July 4.. She will have a long ass era..and physicals will arrive later ...
  4. Inb4 dealer is about jack where she screams at him to go harder on the chords n he has a line in it pleading no mummy.
  5. Where is BoZ. Twitter twinks should spam himmm.
  6. I want songs that question life/existing. Songs that tear u into pieces. Songs which rip apart ur soul and make you breathless and breakdown !!! Like wait for life/TG/Hope/Ride/TBD/OLD MONEY. Cocc was too positive and hopeful for me. ????
  7. I cant understand what Mike is talking.... Oh wow ! ?
  8. Can someone just type out exactly what he said plz? Did he mention another record..?? And synths orchestra?? Also BOz already has the album if he has heard it.. So july 4 is possible
  9. Yes pls. NFR level promo. Or LFL. Every morning she went to a radio station and killed it ???? She has given alot of content this year tho. Cocc. Violet. YNWA . Summertime. And Hallucinogenics..
  10. She doesnt. But as a manager I'd be proud of my client and promote if they receive accolades..or just to see them do better. You can also perceive it as they know she is gonna sell alot of physical sales anyway so they dont care much about the streams. They really appreciated her in the interview though...I forgot which one? Rolling Stone? We need more of that energy for BB
  11. I think it's safe to say that COCC would have done better streamwise ( yes ik Lana is comfortable with min promo and still sells alot) if they had promoted it more. I think they do want more money from streams.
  12. Yes but we arent asking 1000 radio interviews or TV appearances. Or extravagant promo. Just spotify playlists. Searching the sad playlists u can find many Lorde/Billie/melanie/halsey... Where is LDR?
  13. Coz her No1 stan in the entire Milky Way/Andromeda/Godzilla/Universe will supposedly(??troll??) Leak news about Lana's upcoming feature and BB. BOZ for next Dua manager pls. He gets more streams than benny
  14. Great parent album. Boppy and fun The remix album???? idk why it exists.
  15. Ben & Ed busy promoting Ellie Goulding?(how is she still relevant???) And Dula Peep (ok they want to milk FN) meanwhile never adding LDR to any playlist on spotify nothing. I guess first borns are always forgotten Tbvh Ben hasnt so wildly promoted LDR when she won all those awards.. Correct me if I'm mistaken. .. He might have posted 1 story or 2.. But now a train of posts for Dua for the past 1 year o.O
  16. U wan me I wantchu bby My sugar boo I'm levitating Nananananan Mooooonlight starlight astronomy sunlight
  17. Ben and Ed doing so much for Dua.... I'm jelly
  18. She did get alot of attention when DCMA dropped cause of Ariana's name and her promoting it. 1989 taylor :p
  19. BB needs a banger. A collab w Taylor/Billie just for the streams hehehe
  20. I think there was alot of yearning and passion and anger in her earlier vocals. Mostly stems from the way the media treated her back then or the Barrie phase. Now I think she is at peace - her songs are sadder and deeper but not the dramatic sadness. I think she has given up and come to the conclusion her life will always be this way??
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