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Everything posted by CinnamonGay

  1. I want vocaalzzzzzz honey. Serve us the COLA/YNWA/SUMMERTIME/RIDE Vocals all mixed together. And a fast tempo like OTTR. But with her current beautiful voice. Ottr in her current voice would be heaven. Not the baby nasal voice
  2. CinnamonGay


    Lorde really has no vocal range at all. It's usually the production that carries her. But yes she has great ear.for melodies. She writes catchy tunes and the layering adds depths.
  3. Petition to award @Diamantes WILD member of the year.
  4. I dont have any proof as I didnt screenshot Eclipse's IG post. But he very briefly posted for a few mins and later deleted/archived it. He went on to describe the album as the opposite to L+F. He said the production is grand (whereas L F was stripped), sometimes might be too on the nose but not tooooo much. He said it felt right and the vocals are great too. He also listed 3 fav songs . I remember only 1. Venus fly trap.. He said there is a lot of political commentary too. ... he gave it a 4/5. Like I said. I wish I had taken a screenshot.
  5. Or Taylor. That's more possible since Taylor seems to praise Lana publicly and calling her the most influential artist of the decade and stuff. There was a Lana x Taylor popping up last year...
  6. CinnamonGay


    Exactly. And ofc Lana inspired so many alt artists and brought out the sadcore sound to be relevant.
  7. CinnamonGay


    Album of the year lists - by publications NFR -19 Melodrama-8 ????
  8. CinnamonGay


    Based on eclipse's desc of the album I dont see the GP really getting into L3. He seemed to imply that it was slow and very mood albumish with mature topics.
  9. CinnamonGay


    And BB will come and Lana will soar again ??
  10. I could have sworn he posted.. Deleted 2 mins later wtf. On his IG. I read what the post was about though ..
  11. Did someone see eclipse post before he deleted???
  12. CinnamonGay


    Nooooo. I love Lorde but I want my Lana #1 ????
  13. CinnamonGay


    Let lana pls get her #1 this time. We dont need another Dustbin Beaver situation sudden announcement of album.
  14. CinnamonGay


    Not her coming to steal BB's thunder. Sshshahs
  15. Yes. ... idk why but COCC has so few streams.. not much promo also. Nfr is gonna reach 1B so fast....??. Ben should focus on LDR more. ...
  16. She needs more hits now. She has defined herself as the best songwriter and the queen of her genre. Now she needs to prove to GP she can make hits too(even tho she doesnt need them). All her videos have such few views on YT... why even. Release QoD $$$$
  17. CinnamonGay

    Dua Lipa

    Dua's next move is gonna be crucial... Wonder how she is gonna reinvent her sound?? I want something fresh.. Tbh her vocal range isnt that great/or amazing technique . It's more of the beats and the wonderful melodies. Catchy tunes. Let's see. FN should have got AOTY hands down.
  18. Chem is a confusing. Rolling stone says 98k. BB says 78k. If its 98k honestly it's just 7k less than NFR. And also Chem outsold NFR in pure sales in UK. Only 7k less in USA pure sales. Chems fault is that it had no bops on the radio like DT. Blame her management for not sending TJF or anything to radios..
  19. Omg I am so sorry. I have become blind. ??? HAHAHAHAH this is embarrassing . Sorry my man. thanks for pointing it out. @ChaoticLipster @White Picket Chemtrails Sorry I messed up. Dont cancel me. I became blind momentarily and got confused
  20. Instagram post. edit: sorry I confused the names. Not true
  21. He regards it as a great alt rock album. And one of the songs as best songs of 2021...
  22. Eclipse spilled tea on Billie's album... Someone pls ask him about BB/RCS/AS&C... EDIT: it was some Ellie singer. Not eilish. I confused myself. Sry
  23. Will it be nominated for AOTY? We havent had any good contenders except Evermore. Or am I missing somth
  24. If she is going folk again I want folk like Gregory Alan isakov. No more Joan/Joni.
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