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Everything posted by ChicaCherryCola

  1. I'm in no way a specialist so somebody correct me if I wrong, but I agree with you. Historical/social topics like this usually take years to properly classify and study. We can't make science out of abstract periods that just happened (and a couple decades or years in history is VERY LITTLE in the general panorama). I'm not saying who is right because in my POV everyone can be right about this as long as they explain themselves a little. If scholars don't agree with each other on topics like this one (I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of articles and books about all kinds of waves and they all disagree on certain aspects and limits and definitions), let alone us.
  2. https://twitter.com/maarrodrigues/status/1263967216015413248?s=21 On a positive note: somebody I follow posted these screenshots back from when she met Lana at work in the day of her concert in Portugal last year (the girl said she was really nice and that she was very happy that the concert was sold out, and they got a picture with her at Intimissimi but sadly not at her store). I honestly want to remember Lana like this. The fact that the singer in these photos is the same one that is in the middle of this drama gives me some hope that this will calm down and she can get back to a happy state of mind.
  3. asdfghjklç I was just venting because this is really :// to watch specially when you have a birthday during a lockdown I won't reply to each of you so I don't fill pages with thank you notes, but thank you to everybody who took some time to send their wishes, wishing you the best as well
  4. Remember when artists release songs or post something special on somebody's birthday and they get happy to have a little indirect gift from their favs? She really chose my birthday for this mess
  5. I doubt she will disappear forever, she seems super motivated to publish her art and she stood her ground. She might face backlash from the industry but she has 16M followers and sold out concerts, she's rich. She will be fine. Honestly, if there's all kinds of abusers trending with their art, this kind of sin isn't the worst.
  6. I refreshed twice in a row and she unfollowed 3 people in a second
  7. finally something i can like on IG without being dragged
  8. I bet those "iron gates" she's behind are the critics/music industry and the way they imprisioned her and the institution is her experience as a "delicate woman"
  9. Yeah, and since she said "despite" and stood her ground right after + in the last paragraph, it's because they were against the message or the way she expressed herself. I'm honestly starting to think she told Ariana to piss off and just unfollowed her
  10. Her posts are so big I'm starting to think this is the book she keeps talking about
  11. But wait, she mentioned the second book because it would give more "context" to her post... What the hell is that book gonna be about
  12. Honestly, if she unfollowed Ariana after dragging her to this mess while Ariana keeps following her...Why does she do this, somebody buy her Animal Crossing or something
  13. As if her ideas and the way she expressed them weren't dubious enough... The middle part just makes everything look like a marketing play, I'm in Law and I honestly have no idea what to say to save her ass
  14. Everybody's talking about this again on Twitter - worldwide
  15. Ariana still follows her, though
  16. This drama has me feeling like I'm making popcorn and when I think it's over more corn pops and I just have to keep staring waiting for it to be over but there's always some corn that doesn't pop and it's never truly over and in the meantime I notice I already burnt everything that was good to go and just end up hungry and frustrated, without any corn or popcorn
  17. I thought it was more like gang = Doja fans and the like sunk = cancelled that dunker = Lana, because she was already at the bottom
  18. I want them to be oranges and I 100% saw oranges at first but now I'm starting to see like 30% lemons because 1) they're not that round like an orange, they just look like the view we would have if we saw lemons from the bottom (specially that darker circle); and 2) if they were oranges I don't think they would've that much yellow in highlights and they would have a more neon color
  19. Don't joke like that, that's my birthday and I literally felt weak just at the thought it could be released that day I bet she still has that iPhone 6 with the cracked cherry case somewhere in her bag
  20. https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1258920049554776064
  21. This woman modeled for Gucci one year ago, had one of the best critically acclaimed albums of 2019, announced the release date of a whole new project, postponed it, and now she's promoting holistic creams and chakra alignments to her 16 million followers months after wearing a mall dress to the Grammys
  22. I just don't really get what was her idea in deleting the posts from her profile, because, like... It's no big deal? She shared the poem for the first time over a year ago. The only new thing was the cover and everybody seemed to love it, it also seems pretty much the final version and I can tell from the vibe of it she personally commissioned the work and liked it. Besides that, no release date, no tracklist, no promises, nada. Why delete it? It had already been shared everywhere, from Twitter to music websites. It's just pretty silly to me. Classic Lana.
  23. Wouldn't an official audiobook need ISBN? If that was her plan, then it has to be registered somewhere before publishing, right? Is there some American or worldwide database we can dig?
  24. She just deleted both posts. It's over. EDIT: Her Happy video is still on IGTV, though.
  25. I don't really care if her poetry will be labeled as weak, shallow, dubious, or whichever adjetives we will come up with this time. With THAT voice and that piano, she could be reading a poem about a lonely deformed potato that never made it into a beautiful salad - that would still be her magnum opus, and if it was up to me, she would be awarded with the Nobel Prize in Literature 2020.
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