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Everything posted by ChicaCherryCola

  1. The proof that we're all gay is that we can't do math
  2. Okay I'm sorry I HAD to know what your username was about because it's just been gibberish to me ever since I saw you here so I googled it and I have to say that I oop- so hard. It's iconic. You deserved my public recognition.
  3. In no order (and not considering "excellence", only what I feel when I watch it): Curious to see how this will look like to me tomorrow morning a couple months from now
  4. It's odd that they put it on the shelf before the release date, though. Are we sure that's how it works on FYE? No hope it's the employee who has to know when to stop the purchase instead of an automatic block by the system?
  5. So do I, I don't understand how everybody hears "ch" or "j" sounds. I swear I hear something close to "dresses".
  6. You're all deaf, our intellectual queen clearly says "chess is in my veins, running out of time". She is running out of time to play her turn and pick her next move. It makes perfectly sense.
  7. Isn't 2M in 24hrs her record, making this her biggest premiere? I read it somewhere on Twitter today.
  8. Cassete: you can have it reshipped from her original UK store! Just use a service that ships it to a UK warehouse first, and then they forward it to you. But it might be quite pric$y. NFR: the BBC website seemed to have pretty good audio quality for me! At least it won't be a phone record from a K7.
  9. Is it the same code they were sending to our email before the other shows? Mine is unused, if you want it, PM me!
  10. I know this sounds made up but I beg you to trust me when I say that I, a resident in a tiny town in this small country, once saw a middle aged woman drive a convertible in the opposite direction of the one way street I live in, full speed, while blasting In My Feelings through the speakers. It couldn't be from a radio station, she's probably the only other stan around. I feared her, but I also welcome her as my future self.
  11. Right? I'm still waiting for the giveaway we deserve and need
  12. Which store would you buy things from because of shipping and delivery and stuff? The UK/European one? I wonder if this is happening in this store just so they can guarantee a good spot in the UK next week? Maybe they gave up on a good top debut in the US parades, for some reason. But it doesn't make any sense, it's much harder to win the US market due to dimension, for starterts, and it would make sense to invest all they can in there.
  13. Oh, you're right! The US version is the one that says October 31st, do they need two months to have it shipped overseas from one warehouse to another?
  14. At least it's not like the L4L stuff that ended up being shipped on New Year's and Easter
  15. Okay there's things already sold out in the UK store, which one of you Europeans bought 100 T-Shirts?
  16. I don't know if there's any difference, but it's probably unisex?
  17. Boulevard Tee Norman Fucking Rockwell Album Tee/Lana Del Rey Album Distressed T-Shirt LDR Venice Bitch Cropped Tank Lana Del Rey Vintage Floral Short Shorts Lana Del Rey Vintage Floral Cropped Tank LDR Sea You Later Cropped Windbreaker
  18. https://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/ It has less stuff.
  19. I can't listen live, can I hear it later on their website or something? Or is anyone going to record it themselves?
  20. Same time as the MV! ---- I just remembered I moved some stuff over to my new dormroom last September while hearing MAC... I finished the school year, moved houses once again, passed some classes, failed some classes, just signed up for this year's course, and NFR wasn't released between all of this.
  21. Honestly, when I read the title "California" I don't play the right song in my head, I just remember those bits in FIILY when she goes "California dreamin' got no money or my mind"
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