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Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus

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Posts posted by Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus

  1. Like other members said, I’m pretty sure she won’t say anything before the audiobook is out, so she can fully focus on the record, if she ever releases something. She might never say anything until September 4

    The Instagram silence is a good sign imo. She posted about the book and then back to silence, which might mean she’s working on the record and promo/video.

    We must also take into account this Covid shit is likely making things a lot harder in terms of organisation (say shooting for a mv, moving around LÁ which I learn is back on lockdown, people having to come from other parts of the country/world, online communication, finalising shipment details and production in a time when everything could shut down and change like from one day to the next and such) - It might be very time consuming, very risky in terms of money and leave you with not much time to post interesting content on Instagram. I think this is a very challenging time for big artists who have basically seen a big chunk of their income (live shows) cut down. I’m not saying they have it bad though lol I’m sure they’re living their best fcking quarantine life but still I think their team and management have to reassess the whole plan and this could take a long time.

  2. When ideas about what COTCC would sound like first started to be discussed I was sure that the obvious continuation to NFR should be a Mariners/Venice Bitch vibe but then I thought this was only what I wanted it to sound like because NFR - despite being cohesive enough - didn’t really come through as “marine” as I thought it would. (also Lana rarely goes for the same sounds between projects)

    Then she posted the clip from that black and white old movie and Patent Leather, and I started to think of a combination between the lush ethereal production behind Music To Watch Boys To and the surfish vibe of the background music to Patent Leather and Happy.

    I also keep thinking about the spaceships and rockets in the sky in the bartender video, for some reason I find it very disquieting and haunting even if they look like they’re laughing and having fun. I think Chemtrails will be quite dark and the change of title would make sense.

  3. Ok I’m going to rant so here are my 2 unpopular opinions I’m ready to fight

    1. What’s with y’all and Live or Die? That song is a mess and it’s just a basic poppy song and doesn’t even come close to any other released Lana song

    2. Stop the hey blue baby and stupid for feeling so happy hype - they were cute but NOT record worthy we don’t need Lana turned Kasey Musgraves playing country like it’s avant guard we want trippy surfy noir Lana I said what I said and I stand by what I said

  4. didnt expect any COCC info today honestly. it would be too distracting announcing two things at once, the poetry book is for a good cause also so im sure she wanted it to get its spotlight attention and such.

    Anyways for COCC I hope its a 14 track album, I personally am not one of those people who are super against having anything on the album that we have heard in some form or another or heard about, like I would adore it if we got Yosemite(fitting for this albums theme, it also fit in with the White Hot Forever title too honestly), and Roses Bloom for You, I feel like roses are a rich country club type of thing, so that wouldn't feel out of place on the record.

    This would be my ideal tracklist


    1. White Hot Forever

    2. Chemtrails Over The Country Club

    3. Grenadine Quarantine

    4. Hey Blue Baby

    5. Roses Bloom For You

    6. Yosemite

    7. Stupid For Feeling So Happy

    8. If This Is The End - I Want A Boyfriend

    9. TBD

    10. TBD

    11. TBD

    12. TBD

    13. TBD

    14 TBD

    But like this would be a lust for life 2.0 in that some of the tracks just wouldn’t go together - how would you make ‘hey blue baby’ and ‘roses’ make sense together? This would be a royal mess. We need a cohesive sound like btd ultraviolence honeymoon and partially NFR - we don’t need another lust for life mess ugh

  5. I have no idea what to believe anymore. According to that "insider", the front cover is being "finalized."


    Supposed lyrics that "leaked":




    I'm skeptical for sure but I'm intrigued LOL

    Lol come on these lyrics sound like a dumb Taylor mimicking Lana - not it / I think they’re fake

  6. Guys this is unrelated but it’s been ages since I’ve tried to work this out and to this day I haven’t got a clue.


    Towards the end of FIILY - Lana sings “california dreaming got my money on my mind etc” and the backtrack goes “fuck it I love you” over and over. BUT the last one I am 100% sure she does not say fuck, she says a name or something and I can’t quite catch what it is that she says. I think it’s Robbie or Ronnie but who the hell are they?

  7. do you guys think she's going to go literal with the chemtrail concept and have actual chemtrails on the cover?

    instead, i kind of want her to surprise us and do something out of left field but still very lana.

    (and not as tacky as the NFR cover obv).

    She’s going to give us a landscape cover like Looking for america , she won’t be on the cover, mark my words

  8. Haven't posted in forever, but I'm back!


    I've been thinking about the vibe of this album, and I was feeling a NFR 2.0 as well. I don't see this going down a UV road. UV was a response to a lot of criticism (from BTD) that pissed her off. She's more established now.


    One thing I've been thinking about is how her music has become more accessible. The sounds and vibes of it. I don't think she'll go down the BTD road, but thinking of LFL and NFR and even her Charlie's Angels song, maybe she will try something more radio-friendly? It feels like she's passed that, but I find her more recent records flirt with the idea of commercial or a bit more mainstream (especially with Jack as producer).


    Regardless, I'm excited for this upcoming album because nothing has leaked, so there is no telling where she could go.

    Mainstream is defo NOT what I would like to hear. Her mainstream choices were all bad (lust for life? don’t call me ankle, uh no) - we will be heavily disappointed if she does that. I for one will most definitely be. Lust for life was the most mainstream I could take and ugh was it hard to swallow

  9. unfortunately you're very right :crai: i don't mind the singer-songwriter type stuff - actually HIADT is one of my fav tracks on NFR! and i love her stuff as May Jailer - but i would really love to hear her fully explore a more dark and sinister sound, especially since COCC as a title implies something pretty interesting, and it would be a bit different as opposed to just NFR! Part Two.

    Personally I wouldn’t mind a more refined NFR 2.0 - I have always regarded NFR as a great record but with odd tracks to it like cinnamon , doing time and how to disappear that don’t fit the overall sound.

    NFR could be the new honeymoon, kinda pensive and anaesthetic, lots of reverb, yum yum.

    Also a “question for the culture” lol - I love NFR (just want to put it out there) but I can’t help but think that lyrically it’s just ok? whereas the critics have especially praised the songwriting here. What am I not getting? Like born to die had lyrics like “You said I was the most exotic flower”, Ultraviolence had stuff like “yet still inside I felt alone for reasons unknown to me” , honeymoon had “there are roses in between my thighs” like shit was poetic ?

    Man , critics are just a bunch of wankers jerking off to each other’s opinion, I stand by that.

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