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  1. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
    Imagine if huck never showed Charli SOPHIE oh wow  
  2. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
    I'm wondering.. If XCX World never leaked, where would Charli be right now? Where would we be right now? Pop 2 would've probably never happend. She probably wouldn't have that solidified fanbase of popper sniffing fags she has now. A lot of people's lives would be very different cause the butterfly effect, one album drop can change someone's entire life cause the smallest things can have the biggest influences. Her life would be totally different. Thousands of gays' lives would be totally different. My life would be totally different tbh, even though I've been stanning before Pop 2 and I cant pinpoint an exact moment where this mixtape influenced big life changes, me listening to that mixtape probably influenced small little things in my life that lead me to be right here in this moment typing this out. I'm having an existential crisis rn. Imagining a world where XCX World never leaked fucks me up cause that's a world where everything's different. I try to block that thought out. The XCX effect. 
  3. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Charli XCX   
    sis she got over it, she released pop 2, number 1 angel and finally charli. we can move on too.
  4. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
    They made some points with Vroom Vroom at #1. The rest of the list's a mess tho.
  5. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
    White Mercedes is so beautiful ugh how dare y'all paint it out to be this generic song for the locals. She might have a common chord progression but she's gorgeous.
    Emotionally closed off leo anthem.
  6. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Charli XCX   
    I don’t know if we’ve spoken about this, but some of the song positions in this list are homophobic attacks
    Porsche is Pop 2’s skip song?
    London Queen is 75?
    Boom Clap made the top 10?
    Was this person high on opposite pills?
  7. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Charli XCX   
    well, can someone ask "how does it feel playing songs that hasn't been released when you know charli's reputation with recorded music?" or something lksdjfksd
  8. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    not exactly fake lyrics but I sometimes sing along to Blue Jeans like when she was on SNL lol
  9. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    In summer bummer I always sing “don’t be Donald Trump, babe”
  10. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    We need proof so we can cancel her
  11. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Toxo6969 in Charli XCX   
    Aww thank you <3 honestly it's just really nice to be able to troll with everyone on this forum. Y'all messy stans cheer me up so much
  12. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Charli XCX   
    I love Ajay but as IF she said Lizzo is the best feature on the album and she hated Warm, I can’t
  13. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Charli XCX   
    AJay saying that BIOYL is the best collab on the album had me cackling for hours
  14. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    Imagine if we can get the 2099 music video to a million views in the first week!
    Next level bop.
  15. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by LonelyHeart in Charli XCX   
    + focus in a short time. We dont deserve her.
  16. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Nothingness in Charli XCX   
    sitting here thinking about how she actually released girls night out and no angel omg  
  17. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Charli XCX   
    my problem with this setlist drama - charli hates touring. its a known fact. THATS WHY SHE NEVER DOES IT, @people who are complaining that they didnt see her perform N1A/Pop2. her ass cancelled like 4 shows i was supposed to go to in 2015 and then she cancelled that whole ass tour with bleachers bc she was LITERALLY depressed ???? so why are we making her feel bad for a setlist that we should already be GRATEFUL to be hearing any of....
  18. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    I cannot believe people were out there criticizing her new setlist, promoting her NEW album!!
    Do these people not know how these tours/concerts work?? Charli has so much released material, you’re never going to hear everything you want to hear anymore. It’s just the truth of the matter. I went to a concert last night, one of my all time favorites, but they had to cut so many fan-favorites for newer stuff, and there’s only so much time. Did I hear everything I wanted? No. But was it a badass show?? Absolutely yes!
    There’s a definite entitlement problem in this fanbase, sorry but it’s just a fact. I get that everyone loves Charli and her music and wants to see her succeed and whatnot, but a setlist is totally different. There’s a time and place for constructive criticism. This is not it. With the leaks and releasing fan-favorite music for example, there’s at least an argument there, where there’s a potential further opportunity to support the artist... but a setlist?
    No... the setlist itself means nothing for her bottom line. You bought your ticket, you go and enjoy the show. It’s her gig...
  19. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in Charli XCX   
    All i would add is 
    No Angel
    Girls Night Out 
    & out of my head. 
    im sorry but im TIREDT of unlock it
  20. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by xcxboy in Charli XCX   
    Charli adding unlock it, focus, trophy etc to the setlist after getting dragged on twitter

  21. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Charli XCX   
    A homophobic hit and run, disgusting
  22. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by LonelyHeart in Charli XCX   
    Where tf is @afterpaty??? Did she die?? She meditating????
    Sis the gays did her dirty... at least to me she was forced to do
  23. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Honeybear in Charli XCX   
    Ajay completely skipping Kim's verse on Click? The transphobia jumped out once again
  24. Syyydney liked a post in a topic by Spike0000 in Charli XCX   
    So Charli added Unlock It for us. The least we can do is flood her comments with love and Thank yous. Please.
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