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Posts posted by xlanax

  1. The Fame didn't stand the test of time except for the singles. it's cute for a debut tho.

    TFM will forever be her magnum opus. she delivered a whole 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 punch (Teeth haters can fume).

    Born This Way is her second best. as much as i dislike most of the singles, the album tracks are discography highlights.

    ARTPOP was a pretentious mess that was doomed from the start. it's still bop-abble but far from her best imo

    Cheek To Cheek no comment

    Joanne almost made a hater.

    let's hope she doesn't fuck it up with Chromatica



    I'll take Born This Way and Judas anytime over Americano. But yeah Tea on everything you said.

  2. Tbh I think the movie's shit too but I know that's an unpopular opinion. I watched it dubbed in Italian and maybe that made it worse, I'll give her that, but I thought it was trivial, corny, cliché, lame and boring. But she served stunning visual during ASIB era so I'm not complaining.

  3. This is probs an unpopular opinion but I don't like the ASIB soundtrack. 


    the only good thing about it is her vocal performances which are incredible but to me the lyrics on most of the songs are very ed sheeran surface level and don't really have a lot of weight to them.

    I feel you sis. Fucking hate shallow

  4. It's very much a mixed bag (but so is Artpop to me), and I definitely agree about TFM and BTW being her best albums. Still, there's I Like It Rough, The Fame, Boys Boys Boys, Paper Gangsta, Disco Heaven, and of course the singles although I lowkey hate Poker Face ddd. I kinda wish she'd put Fashion on the album as well.

    If she wasn't so pretentious with Artpop and left some of the fillers and worst tracks out, it would be probably her best. Similarly i think BTW should have been shorter too. (Did we really need the Queen? A carbon Copy of The Edge of Glory). The Fame at best could have been an Ep. Artists need to understand that less is more in terms of quality albums.

  5. How did we like The Fame? I listened to it today and it's such a bad record except the singles. The Fame Monster and Born This Way are still pop perfection tho.

  6. I know it's probably her worst, but something about it makes it my favourite lana's record, moreover all the leaks and concepts that keep surfacing make it more and more fascinating for me. Furthermore, this album was one of the factors that lowkey pushed me in finally addressing depression and getting therapy. I don't mean to sound corny or basic, but music can help you sometimes and this record did. I just wish the bad songs were left out, and Yosemite was in it, but I mean, you get what Lana wants.

    Ah and I wish Beautiful people (demo) was the One on the record, but I get that It did not resonate with the mood of the album.

  7. i've been looking at this page all day, and lit rally no updates


    tell me ur fave song off true romance and why



     mine is nuclear seasons because i really vibed with the visuals of the video.

    (i used to be major depressed and take any substance that would make me disassociate, and the trippy visuals of the video resonated with me)


    Just the best song on the album, love the sample and the energy.

  8. I sure have! Everything but WABTP hq cos I'm still unsure about copyright. Once it's more "confirmed" that it's not being released I'll add it as well, but until then it's on Dbree


    Thank you for your work, your masterpost is the most realiable, updated and complete source of Charli's unreleased materiale and I mostly rely on you to keep my collection updated. I wish somone would do that with Lana top.

  9. Since February,



    Tulips in the Fields


    White Dress (Full)

    Blame It on Your Love (Demo)

    Girls Like Us (another Tough Love version)


    Babygirl (Demo)

    Tears and Tantrums (Charli + RAYE demo)

    Same Old Love (without Iggy)

    Get Dirty (slightly different mix of the rework)

    3 Different Grins mixes

    Midnight (Demo 4)

    What I Like (Different sample)

    We Are Born to Play (hq)


    If anyone wants to add on stuff ive missed feel freeOh she performed Taxi Final on a zoom virtual dj set but it's low quality af

    Have you uploaded these new songs in your masterpost?

  10. Did I say I don’t like K-Pop? No, because I do, I just said it’s possible to not like a whole genre. I don’t like the way soundcloud rap sounds, if it was someone different singing a different song with the same beat then I’d probs enjoy it, same can be said for how some people feel about K-Pop, it’s just a difference in opinion but people have to make it seem so malicious.

    Honey, it's okay to not like a genre. But the impressions you give -and other people that talk shit - is that you dont know anything about this genre. And thats irritating, you shouldnt talk shit just because you can. Otherwise, I mean, it's fine, we all have different tastes and it's okay. But don't trash things without knowing what you're talking about. Furthermore, Kpop is not a genre per se... It's labeled that way because it's pop from Korea, but there are many different genres of music in that label. So, saying "Kpop sucks" is, I'd say, rather semplistic and superficial... Like saying "I like pop"... that means all and nothing. You can like Charli XCX and you can dislike Charlie Puth. Moreover.. It seems odd to me that you trash kpop because many artists are doing things that are similar or as alternative in sound and in aesthetic to the western pop alternative singers we listen in this forum. That leads me to think that if some kpop stuff (The Red, The Perfect Velvet, The Pink Tape, 4 Walls, Project Loona) would be praised if it was western artists putting It out. And thats sad. Oc there's trash stuff in kpop as there's trash stuff in any other gente. That's Just the way it is.

  11. this is the evidence to prove that kpop sucks

    When the basic bitches you stan come out with something as good and forward thinking as Loona, Red Velvet and f(x) maybe you will have a say, but not today. Except Queen Charli oc.

  12. In Italy we are not allowed to get out of the house. Everything is closed. Everything. Only supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals will keep on working. We can not move from city to city and in the city without bringing with us a certificate that is for working or health reasons. Any other kind of movement is not allowed.

  13. People are panicking here, and while I, myself, didnt really fear this virus that much the atmosphere is tense now. Universities have been closed since 2 or 3 weeks now and I came back home in southern Italy. The fact that today they have announced universities are closing until the middle of this month really freaked out. It is kind of surreal to have a full stop to your activities and every day life all of a sudden. I dont really mind the disease that much, I mean yes ofc I do, especially now that they have announced that it could be more fatal than they thought it was, but the thing that is really freaking me out now is the fear of ghost towns and isolated country. Plus the general climate of anxiety and anguish is not helping, especially coming from media and family. My family has been continuosly talking about this virus non stop since the Lombardia and Veneto outbreak -i cant stand them anymore - and even if you try being rational, it really puts you in a situation of distress and I cant deny all of this can take the best of you when the day ends. I'm not in panic rn but I cant deny that events like this really put things in perspective, never understood how unstable and uncertain some equilibriums and human life are. Things can really change in a matter of hours and while we give many things for granted, they are not.

  14. XS reminds me some songs on Stripped by Xtina. So far the one I like the most, a decent bop, not that I dig that much, but at least it has that distinctive early 2000s pop sound her songs used to have.

  15. Well shit seems like most critics love the track -




    I don't usually agree with him much but he's spot on with this review.

    The fact that this man thinks that Sucker is Charli's best album and dislikes Charli's work with pc music is enough for me to never trust any word coming out of his mouth.

  16. It's not that is bad... But she's been missing for too long, the musical landscape has indeed changed, and we've been exposed to experimental and avantguard pop, the hyper pop scene is on another level, and this just feels basic and dated. I could bop to this song nevertheless, but it's just not that good compared to the pop stuff other artists are putting out.

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