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Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by Barttender

  1. Some versions of "Hallelujah"...
  2. Damn... I was discovered! LOL Banned for "White Hot Bartender"...
  3. Barttender

    This or That

    Serene Queen Ultraviolence or NFR?
  4. Just a joke, because she deleted the post...
  5. Banned for not banning anyone.
  6. Barttender

    This or That

    I like both... Sea or mountain?
  7. Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence
  8. Banned for living in a playground.
  9. Barttender

    This or That

    Moon. Day or night?
  10. Barttender

    This or That

    Sunset. Call or send message?
  11. 10 I would let her bite me... lol
  12. Oh man... Marry and Fuck Lana Del Rey... Shhh! Jennifer Lopez Nicole Scherzinger Beyoncé
  13. The Vulture "summarized" the article... https://www.vulture.com/2020/03/lana-del-rey-boyfriend-cop-split.html
  14. She also deleted the selfie she had posted days before... She always deletes things.
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