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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. I don’t know why we focus on promo more rather than Lana’s well-being and her ability to stay motivated this era. We’ve seen her mental health dwindle down as she got into more controversies, the body shaming, all her stuff getting leaked, and so much more. If it’s her choice to not do promo, then so be it. In my opinion, I find it very unlikely and I’m sure Lana and her label have ideas in mind like a virtual concert or something. It’s sad that what happened to her during this era might stick with her for a long time. All she needs to do is take a break from social media and focus on what she does best, writing music and poetry.
  2. they’ve had this ad since feb. https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=334888837918647
  3. Rust Dress


  4. how many wps will be given out today for being off topic? only elle knows anyways there’s a very very high chance she won’t delay the album. like WE’RE SOOOO CLOSE
  5. pls this just reminded me of something. we, as the lanaboards community, NEED to manifest dealer being on the physical formats. we literally manifested yosemite being on the tracklist like HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?? we can do it girls
  6. this album trailer talk is making me crazy when we already have it. but anyways i don’t blame her silence. this era has been horrible for her and not how she intended. It’s sad that she most likely feels like she can’t share her thoughts in fear of getting even more hate. And it makes me a bit angry when people are calling her weird for how she’s been acting this era like.. also they have to heavily promote the album at some point. it’s already a success and we have two very high budget videos but we’ll see
  7. lana and charlie atm https://instagram.com/stories/final_garden/2522457784952450857?igshid=1nwlsqipj56jr
  8. if lana gave us to the option to choose track 8, would you have chosen dealer over yosemite? in my opinion, i wouldn’t have. yosemite is a song that we’ve been wanting to hear for like half a decade now. I NEED TO HEAR THAT SONG
  9. pretty sure he doesn’t have dealer. only boz and most likely his besties have it or have heard it
  10. istg if the fights move to this thread now.. we will never know peace OT: 1. WD 2. Dark But Just a Game 3. TJF 4. Yosemite 5. Not All Who Wander are Lost 6. Dance Till We Die 7. Chemtrails 8. Wild at Heart 8. LMLYAW 9. For Free 10. BUS yes this is not accurate i just dont want a wp for being off topic
  11. inb4 someone comes on here and posts scat making this thread even more ldraddicoulous
  12. this is so true. i hope there’s some horror elements since lana was leaning towards that genre ig in the beginning stages of Lfl
  13. we’re losing it omg but i think we all can use an Unidentified Flying Bill.mp3 right now
  14. yosemite will be top 3 for sure i just know it. i didnt think salvatore was being serious until now . but yes lets wait till march 18th 7:00 am et to share our opinions
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