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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. wait the baby can be coming any day now.. im so happy for her
  3. there’s only 17 hours, and that’s not enoOuOuOOuOUgh to lie like you lie, or love like you love
  4. throwback to when the actual lanaboards 2.0 was being updated last year and when the site came back on, everyone got that big screen saying their account has been banned (Im not certain if it was when lb 2.0 was being updated but yeah)
  5. paradixo and elle using personal messager right now let's send all of our thoughts and prayers OT:
  6. it's actaully insane.. looking back at all the memories and how excited we were. but those damn delays!!!!! at least we're only a week away
  7. i don’t make the rules. they’re both equally as good and @ the moderators who view this thread later and see all of us going off topic. please don’t give out wps this is a very much needed discussion
  8. the way no one has said anything bad about my ranking cause everyone knows im right
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