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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. istg if the fights move to this thread now.. we will never know peace OT: 1. WD 2. Dark But Just a Game 3. TJF 4. Yosemite 5. Not All Who Wander are Lost 6. Dance Till We Die 7. Chemtrails 8. Wild at Heart 8. LMLYAW 9. For Free 10. BUS yes this is not accurate i just dont want a wp for being off topic
  2. inb4 someone comes on here and posts scat making this thread even more ldraddicoulous
  3. this is so true. i hope there’s some horror elements since lana was leaning towards that genre ig in the beginning stages of Lfl
  4. we’re losing it omg but i think we all can use an Unidentified Flying Bill.mp3 right now
  5. yosemite will be top 3 for sure i just know it. i didnt think salvatore was being serious until now . but yes lets wait till march 18th 7:00 am et to share our opinions
  6. i’d like to see you try, march 19th awaits but eclipse’s tweet says it all
  7. let’s give elle and the mods a quick prayer for the mess that happened on this thread
  8. we’re 1 1/2 weeks from cocc so i guess it doesn’t really matter for some insider especially a fake one to be saying stuff and to prevent further drama. LETS CELEBRATE GIRLS
  9. no im not trying to punish you. its just that so many accounts have been posted here claiming to say white dress comes out soon or some fake snippet. nothing against you it just gets annoying after a while
  10. so he takes info from other insiders and tries to pass it off as his own info? that doesn’t make him an insider
  11. another countdown from a person who has “you can trust me” in their bio didn’t they also have some pinned thread of their proofs or whatever
  12. “where’s the album trailer?” “forget the album WHERE IS THE ALBUM TRAILER????”
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