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Everything posted by sempervirens

  1. sempervirens


    who is cher wtf is cher
  2. sempervirens


    THELAST ONE?????????????????????????
  3. sempervirens


    i almost started dissing a certain older popstar omgksdbndfjsdnlk
  4. sempervirens


    stopppp im not god unless u want me to be bestie
  5. sempervirens


    might've lied
  6. I think that we can all agree that whatever goes on inside Lana's head, she's able to turn it into something beautiful and impactful and it always carries a message.
  7. I really agree with you here. When I first listened to Swan Song, it made me break down and sob because finally it felt like I had something that could describe how I felt in life. Feeling like I was on the edge of defeat yet still having some lust for life buried deep down inside me. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. "Do you like where you've been and where you're going to ... say goodnight to the life and the world you knew" is such an obvious reference to that one action that we all know and perhaps had a brush with. It's that line what really stuck with me and continues to stick with me. In my eyes, Swan Song just perfectly encapsulates that feeling of defeat and giving up on everything, perhaps a little too well. Like you and Lana, I'm also in a better place and listening to the song also transports me back (or reminds me) of that state of mind I had so long ago and just how lucky I am, how lucky we are, to be in a better place now. Edit: Might I add that no other song has made me sob like Swan Song did. Come Undone by Duran Duran maybe, but nothing ever came close to Swan Song.
  8. No because Swan Song makes me cry too for the same reasons ugh her mind and yass boobies!!!
  9. sempervirens


    NOOOO the 2lp version sold out
  10. sempervirens


    srry cant hear you over the sound of the new into the groove remaster
  11. sempervirens


    I don't use paypal
  12. sempervirens


    Not me only having $100 in my bank account rn and getting this job interview for tomorrow.. hopefully i get it so i can snag the box set before all the scalpers do
  13. sempervirens

    Kylie Minogue

    Turn it into love is sooooo good X is like her hard candy moment. absolutely underappreciated.
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