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Everything posted by sympathyisaknife

  1. Shes so sick and fucking twisted i hate her sm She needs to be locked away in a mental hospital for a very long time..
  2. So basically Sometime around 2pm to 2:24 the protestors had gotten up onto the steps and through the building past capitol police. Until an hour and a half ago or even later they had finally cleared out. Senators had to be evacuated to an undisclosed location. We saw people break into the chamber room and jump from the second level from the floor, sit in Pences seat, etc. A woman protestor aka terrorist was shot in the neck and died. (her fault!!!) Pipe bombs were found on the Capitol Campus Capitol Building property was destroyed Tear gas let off in the building Those terrorists taking a hold in their offices and such Capitol police doing nothing and even some taking selfies with them terrorists What else have I missed?
  4. So you woke up and chose violence? I see how it is binch.
  5. omg im now having vietnam-esque flashbacks to that shit thanksalotulittleshit
  6. I'd take Dixon DaPencilio any day over logan paul nnn
  7. No I'm so sick of this fucking bitch omg.. I think the lack of nutrients from her wack dieting has gotten to her head because she's even crazier than usual. I can't believe that I used to defend her behavior by comparing her to Kanye. She needs help.
  8. sympathyisaknife


    Please do! Hung Up, Sorry, Push, Like It Or Not, Let It Will Be, Future Lovers, Forbidden Love and How High are the best off that record, IMHO.
  9. @Moo I think I'll explain to you what others have not, but this forum is a more, in a lack of a better term, mature than others. We don't really pay attention nor listen to people like Logan Paul because he isn't relevant towards our circle. Don't take anything we say here to heart.
  10. sympathyisaknife


    ..Interesting take
  11. Braver than the United States Marines
  12. Welcome to the New Order discussion thread! Feel free to discuss anything related to New Order here. Note: Mods, please move if a topic has already been created for New Order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been getting into New Order lately. I've heard their big hits like True Faith and Blue Monday and I wanted more, so I got "Substance 1987" for X-Mas. I have mixed feelings, but I do quite enjoy them. My new favorite from them is 1963.
  13. LOL whilst we are here, lets listen to something good
  14. All the way with Biden!! Just saw that Barr stepped down as Attorney General. Or maybe Trump coerced him out? I just can't believe he's still making changes when he's gonna be out of office next month.
  15. inb4 parler is run by the secret service & fbi to arrest all of these loonies
  16. And A13x J0n3$ made a subtle threat towards Biden at one of them rallies yesterday.
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