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Everything posted by vacillator

  1. god i just know you douche with gatorate like that fat bitch from matilda
  2. this thread is like my primary source of entertainment dlmbm, cocc, hbtb, hiadtfawlmthbihi, mtwbt.. i mean she has the acronyms on LOCK
  3. maggie thatch lives forever because of me and my hair being so thick and full it looks like hers
  4. Dont be shy Niko drop your search history.. of course nobody suspects the mod! may was the cameraman
  5. dissing lfl when its the album that made me a fan bffr
  6. no context lana boards didnt younlike my cottage cheese snack?
  7. watch me get fired for being on lanaboards
  8. I somehow managed to get onto lanaboards from my work computer Anyways I just got off the line with this very angry middle eastern man.. Upset that his appointment was cancelled as a precautionary measure due to the bad weather.. "I want a supervisor now!" I told him that I could get him a supervisor to call him back in 24-48 hours and even then they would tell him the same thing. He slammed the phone down and disconnected lollol
  9. Idk what happened but hey I managed to access lanaboards from my work computer?
  10. im 7 months in and i hate it im hanging up on ppl left and right
  11. I predict we'll be at page 1,000 by december 1st hejdnndksmd honestly this thread needs to be archived and saved forever as proof of human existance
  13. @the ocean when i try to make him think that theres chaos happening
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