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Everything posted by vacillator

  1. universal owns pretty much every record label
  2. So.. Grammas Chicken Salad at the Democratic National Convention IS coming!
  3. in 1 hour its updated to say "I quit. Fuck yall."
  4. Blacked out.. hmm.. retirement era me thinks
  5. lets see ben mawsons feet! also who the fuck is ben mawson
  6. fucking starwars if you ever put a starwars movie on near me im ghosting you idgaf. still love carrie fisher though shes a queen I also HATE superhero movies like IDGAF if the super hero is curing leukemia like I WILL NOT WATCH IT!!
  7. i havent bothered to watch anything past cult. the seasons with jessica lange will forever be the best.
  8. im kind of psychic im sorry im such a mess lol xo i want btd visuals again tbh
  9. does anybody else hate glee? gay kids at my school werent laughing and singing.. they were fucking running for their LIVES
  10. where is that tramp? i just know her towels are embroidered his and her-pes she doesnt buy tampons, she rolls her own.. jumbo too
  11. this is one tough book case building lesbian!
  12. god i just know you douche with gatorate like that fat bitch from matilda
  13. this thread is like my primary source of entertainment dlmbm, cocc, hbtb, hiadtfawlmthbihi, mtwbt.. i mean she has the acronyms on LOCK
  14. maggie thatch lives forever because of me and my hair being so thick and full it looks like hers
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