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Candy Necklace

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Everything posted by Candy Necklace

  1. maybe it’s pure coincidence, but nevertheless i’m happy she made her stance clear
  2. finally a Taylor Swift endorsement! obviously it’s also meant to help Taylor since she’s been getting criticized these past few days but it’s still better than staying silent
  3. Trump says Kamala had 4 years to get stuff done but she was only VP and wasn’t he the president for 4 years? Didn’t he also have 4 years to get stuff done?
  4. we’ve been waiting on this plan in the next 2 weeks since 2020
  5. It looks very grey and it’s styled differently too. It’s more brushed forward than usual. all to cover up the aging
  6. 13 Beaches 47 Heroin 143 Get Free 63
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