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Candy Necklace

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Everything posted by Candy Necklace

  1. Do you want us to go back to the George W. Bush era of politics where we vote for someone based off if we could have a beer with them?
  2. The bronzer is getting out of control, why does he look more tan than I did after being in the sun all summer long and I’m literally latino Trump might’ve “looked good” because he’s literally been in hiding with only small appearances the last few weeks. You can say the same thing about Biden too, he’s had a few “sharp” moments in the last couple of days but it doesn’t negate the fact that both of them are 80 years old and should be nowhere near the top office of the United States. My grandmother is also 80 years old and while she can talk for hours, it doesn’t mean it all makes sense.
  3. Thank youuu 💜 we’ve been in here together since literally page 1 🤝 but ngl I’m terrified for November 5th
  4. And Jill Stein will just funnel the money and arms to her good friends in Russia instead
  5. What frustrates me is the fact that she teased Henry Come On and announced Lasso in January, then the Coachella country themed chat, then previewed a song in Fenway, released a countryesque collab with Quavo and now she’s saying she doesn’t know where it’s going? Like be for real
  6. If middle age means you lose all the edge you have and you can only make piano ballads then I don't want it
  7. Wow...this kinda destroyed me and made me felt heard all at the same time
  8. it’s so bittersweet, i remember being like 12 and listening to artpop, watching the iTunes festival and being gagged. been waiting for her to go back to this sound and now she’s back
  9. Let me help you out and show you word for word what you said: that IS a republican talking point. many other people already explained to you Harris' stance on abortion so I won't repeat it. whether you meant it that way or not is a different story but I can only go off what you said in your post
  10. “My point wasn’t about abortion” while perpetuating Republican talking points the fact of the matter is our candidates are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and one is clearly better than the other. It would be great if we actually had third party candidates with an actual realistic shot at winning, but we don’t. And that’s just reality. Besides president, there’s not a single third party candidate on my ballot, not sure what it looks like elsewhere but I really think third parties should get some other offices and then work their way to president.
  11. Well thank god you aren’t voting in this election because I don’t even understand how someone could even consider Trump
  12. I'll always love this album for what it is Dealer, If You Lie Down With Me, Black Bathing Suit, Thunder will always be stand-outs
  13. pics or it didn't happen but maybe not because that would be invasive of Lana's privacy
  14. she ate Aaliyah & Fiona Apple can’t wait for the last few impersonations
  15. her Halsey impersonation is probably the worst one tbh Amy Lee is the best one
  16. Ultraviolence 24 Honeymoon 55 Chemtrails Over The Country Club 35 Ocean Blvd 30
  17. I’m kinda over “leftists” like Hasan Piker who really don’t do anything besides sit in their million dollar homes and fear monger all day long
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