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Everything posted by lover

  1. sorry if I'm dumb but what time is the listening party starting again?
  2. people are supposed to be analyzing her work and are focusing on her appareance and particularly in her weight gain, so gross and definitely misogynistic especially since it literally seems to be in the nature of "she's so relatable singing about pandemic weight gain". I'm sure - even though this may be insensitive to speculate - that if she truly is on lithium or some other medication, like antipsychotics or antidepressants, they are the main cause for the changes in her appareance. and not that it even matters, but she honestly has made very clear that she's not interested following the glamourous lifestyle or impossible beauty standards set by the industry, but is focused in living the simple, carefree life and manifesting serenity. for me, Black Bathing Suit seems to be a way of Lana saying that if she gains weight it doesn't matter, and it can be interpreted as a sign that it's to her, a side effect of happiness in a way. I have a long history of unhealthy eating and body dysmorphia, this is one of the reasons I love the song so much IMO, if people want to discuss the changes in her apparance that she herself addresses in Black Bathing Suit for example, they really should be paying attention to how it can also be an allegory for Lana realizing that she really doesn't care about anything but finding inner peace and happiness.
  3. so funny to me, that whenever lana or any artist gets a negative review / is left without a grammy nomination / etc., some fans are in their feelings, calling the reviewers uncultured and tasteless, or are even attacking them. or rambling about how every award show or reviewer or magazine is biased and pointless and rigged and Lana is better off without them or whatever... but still there are stans talking about how she or her album needs a better score and needs to make it to top ten, and when there are better reviews, nominations, awards or commerical success, the people again, start to act like the validation matters for example: no Grammy nomination for Lana: fucking tasteless old cunts it's all about popularity and sales these days Grammys don't even matter anymore who cares Lana doesn't need them a Grammy nomination for Lana: wow a nomination omg taste the Grammys acknowledged her she deserves the recognition she better win or else
  4. my album ranking: 1. Black Bathing Suit that's all
  5. Cherry Blossom hits different when you think that Lana's singing for you directly almost as if she's looking out for us especially when things get complicated or hard
  6. lover


    the piano is incredible. we need the instrumental to leak in full, I have a feeling that it just might bring world peace
  7. this!!! I love the Trio but it does seem very out of place in the context of the album - like it needs a companion. without the Trio I wouldn't care for another banger but since the album is already a mixture of different styles why not to add just one banger
  8. if you mean writing songs about something that possibly never happened, creating new worlds with your music, using captivating language with scenarios and allegories > writing songs about literally anything and anyone without proper editing like any diary entry, making the result seem like you're bored to even try to come up with something exciting then I must admit, I agree
  9. I actually feel the exact opposite! in my opinion, the songs of COCC flow so well together, it's a complete and satisfying journey (with little tracklist re-arrangements, of course). BB has great singular moments, but I honestly can't look at BB and see a good, cohesive experience
  10. honestly I'll never forgive her using the title 'Arcadia' for a song about Toyotas and Land Rovers
  11. okay so more of the zodiac signs as BB songs Aries: Thunder cool, snarky and sarcastic nature mixed with the feelings of impatience and frustration; that friend who always says that they couldn't care less about something/someone but will still write a bitchy song about it Taurus: Violets For Roses falling in love and the honeymoon phase with deep aspiration to build a life together and wanting to please your partner; at the end of the day refusing to change yourself and give up the things you love for the sake of others; adoration for simplicity; Gemini: If You Lie Down With Me having a huge crush filled with sweet and joyful things but also wanting to be independent and move on to new experiences; indecisive, complex nature and ability to understand many sides of things; some would say that seeing and understanding so many around them makes them fake but they hate pretending, that's just how they are Cancer: Cherry Blossom promises of unconditional love; expressing your true feelings in wording that is pure, sweet and beautiful; possibly seems fake-deep to some but is really deep and poetic like that; needs to protect the ones close to them even if they're the ones who would need the protection Leo: Text Book need for love and validation and searching for it wherever you go; a fiery defender of those that are mistreated because they themselves can't stand getting mistreated; even though you could see your flaws you'd rather own up to them than change yourself Virgo: Black Bathing Suit love is expressed in a "down to earth" way; flexible nature and interests with high standards, therefore even themselves hard time knowing what they want; self-righteous and self-loving to the point where one hates to make a decision because they're afraid something better could come along; keeps people away but needs closeness when they're afraid Libra: Arcadia dreamy and romantic; somehow is always surrounded by all the beautiful and nice things and hates when it gets irrupted; dislikes realism and criticism; loves the idea of love and the concept of finding their own fairytale, even if it's searched in rather common things Scorpio: Living Legend deep love and deep feelings, ride or die; mixture of melancholy and romance; paying attention to the details and the feelings of others; anxious nature and unable to decide whether to focus on the good or the bad; almost chaotic when trying to express themselves Sagittarius: Nectar Of The Gods adventurous and fun, admiration towards the wild and unconventional; constantly chasing the ideal of being truly wild and free but ending up confused and lost; saying you're independent but kinda still always trying to prove something to the others that gets you exhausted Capricorn: Dealer being successful at many things somewhat effortlessly and therefore having high expectations for others as well; not letting go of resentment when someone disappoints you; loves irony and sarcasm and hides behind it when hurt; thinks that no one can see their true feelings but everyone even a little bit close to them knows they are babies Aquarius: Wildflower Wildfire difficulty in expressing emotions or dealing with them; switching up between insecurities and god-complex; trying to find peace by doing self-reflection; analytical towards themselves and the world; the mad scientist -type, honest, smart and witty Pisces: Beautiful looking at the world or people with rose-coloured glasses; people thinking you're sad when you aren't; or maybe you are but still hate when people bring it up, especially when trying to be alone with your thoughts; some would say pretentious and whiny while some would say poetic and sensitive
  12. well since you mentioned it Aries: Thunder Taurus: Violets For Roses Gemini: If You Lie Down With Me Cancer: Cherry Blossom Leo: Text Book Virgo: Black Bathing Suit Libra: Arcadia Scorpio: Living Legend Sagittarius: Nectar Of The Gods Capricorn: Dealer Aquarius: Wildflower Wildfire Pisces: Beautiful
  13. "three alternative endings course through my blood on ice"
  14. ur not alone a career highlight I'm afraid
  15. it honestly seems kinda like they lost the finished versions and didn't have the energy to work with them anymore, then downloaded them from Youtube and decided that they would do just fine as they are
  16. every album since Lust For Life is more of a mixtape/collection of songs than an actual album and they all seem somewhat unfinished
  17. 1. Text Book 15 2. Blue Banisters 15 3. Arcadia 16 4. The Interlude - The Trio 11 5. Black Bathing Suit 18 6. If You Lie Down With Me 17 7. Beautiful 14 8. Violets for Roses 15 9. Dealer 16 10. Thunder 16 11. Wildflower Wildfire 15 12. Nectar of the Gods 15 13. Living Legend 15 14. Cherry Blossom 15 15. Sweet Carolina 12
  18. cause my body is my temple my heart is one too the only thing that still fits me is this black baAaAthing suit you don't know me any better than they do ba-beh time is run over so the only time you'll ever see me is in your dreams in my black bAaÄthing suit lookin' at me lookin' over at you real cute 'cause YOUSAIDIWASBADLETMESHOWYOUHOWBADGIRLSDO
  19. lover

    Billie Eilish

    after seeing this I just might see her perform
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