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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. “And when he spank this, imma make that pussy fart i am such an actress, Melissa Joan hart”
  2. Banned bc I don’t understand your username
  3. Which is interesting cause post-honeymoon she straight up said she wasn’t gonna go deep anyway cause she got ridiculed and embarrassed about it But she does genuinely seem SO different, so I am curious what she’s gonna be saying this time around. I don’t think she’d make an “Ultraviolence” or “pretty when you cry” these days.
  4. I think she’s mad depressed in general right now tbh, but what do I know? Doesn’t she have a show in like Lithuania this month?
  5. Right nobody’s tryna hear that
  6. How did Guns N’ Roses make Ultraviolence but fine China didnt
  7. Right, I don’t come here to debate and be corrected I come here to BITCH and MOAN
  8. she should yeah it's good and even necessary for an artist to grow and evolve. she's def making a conscience decision to distance herself from her old image, but damn girl rebranding as a country singer is a little excessive lmfaooooooooo *i realize there are in fact people who listen to folk and country music lol, i simply am not one of them. nor are most lana fans i know across here, twitter, and the real world. so i wish she'd take a hint lolol
  9. She can experiment with whatever sound she wants, she’s a dynamic artist which is what I adore about her. And you must follow your muse always. but folk and country music suck and I wish she’d get over this phase already because no one but her is enjoying it
  10. What’s with her recent obsession with country music and being “folky”? Like every interview it’s country this folk that (excluding her political commentary). I want her to know that 98% of her core fan base has zero interest in “folk” music, nor 98% of casual listeners either. There’s a reason everyone at her shows wants her to sing Off to the Races and Cherry and not her new shit. maybe I’m just stuck in the past or maybe she’s just no longer my taste, but I’m so sick of her trying to make us believe she’s some around the way cowgirl who just wants to write poems in her log cabin lmfao like girl you are rich and live in LA with an army of clones, please stop trying to make this aesthetic happen
  11. Anybody but me ever heard of this girl? She's adorable and her album "Master" is out of this fucking WORLD She reminds me of Lana. Her subject matter is mostly focused on failed relationships. Her grasp on abuse and toxic relationships and depression is really powerful. Her singing isn't necessarily out of this world, but her songwriting is so fucking good it outshines the occasional autotune.
  12. On Art Deco outro she says “a little party never hurt no one” but sometimes the “party” sounds like “powder” On Swan Song she says “say good night, say goodnight to the life and the world you knew” but it sounds like “take a knife, say goodnight” I choose to believe those are intentional
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