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Posts posted by Mer

  1. what do you call a lana del rey bootlicker?

    Still waiting for the punchline of this stellar joke set up

    Anyone who thinks you can’t be distracted while driving a stick shift has never visited the south of France.

  2. The fact that she mentioned Tulsa Jesus Freak: White Hot Forever twice in the last weeks reassures me. Plus she is super active on her Insta, which she was last year, before she dropped the date, cover and tracklist of NFR. Plus the code on her website....

    I really believe this week will be the week confirming it all.


    I think it will really depend how Interscope will want to get involved in her next projects. NFR did good and received critical acclaim and Chemtrails being made with the same producer gives her a lot of liberty for that project... But after that, who knows what will happen, especially if Chemtrails flops?

    Honeymoon is still her weakest album when it comes to streams... so no wonder Interscope sat down with her to make sure they had a better commercial success with LFL.


    I wonder if she’ll ever have enough capital/investors to make it worth going independent/starting her own label. Altho, I think the only two women who succeed in starting their own label (and then selling it) are Madonna and Beyoncé?

  3. I'm wondering if the recent spyware revelations of Tik Tok will see her delete the app if she does have it installed on her phone, especially since I'm sure she wouldn't want any information related to her career or personal life being privy to anyone outside of her circle

    Apparently the president may issue an executive order as soon as tomorrow to shut the whole thing down (in the US, at least)

  4. I couldn't find another thread like this so I hope I am not being redundant. 


    I thought we could have a place where we discuss our favourite literary works, recommend novels to one another, discuss the classics, etc. (especially now that Lana is a published author, ofc) 


    I suppose I'll start...


    Favourite works: Rebecca, Daphne Du Maurier; The Price of Salt (or Carol), Patricia Highsmith; The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid

    Favourite fictional character: Rebecca De Winter (for better or worse) 

    Last book you read: An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, Robert Dallek 


    I would suggest perhaps not posting too many spoilers...? I know its wonderful to discuss the twists and turns a novel may have, but I would never want to ruin that for another person...(also, I personally believe that saying "this book has a twist" is a spoiler itself, regardless of wether you identify the twist or not). 


    Happy Reading! 

  5. it's so cool that lana actually knows and works with her sound mixers and engineers--i've heard a lot of artists aren't much involved with that part of their work. Personally, I find engineering so incredibly fascinating, and it truly is such a fine-tuned art 

  6.  Girl where are you from??? In the US they're all $60 (also, they're a ton of fun. Donkey Kong, Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, Paper Mario, Pokemon, Skyrim, Dragon Quest 11 are allllll worth the it)


    ah yes 60USD is about 80CAD lmao rip...hmmmm maybe i will buy then (but will wait till i'm back in the US)

  7. That one is very nice yes.


    I see nobody talking about Quiet Waiter though... That might be my favorite, audio-wise, and definitely up there in terms of words. 


    omg yes that one is amazing too! tbh i forget which poems i like often, bc my iBooks audiobook doesnt have the names of the poems, just track numbers (and since its a locked file, I can't rename the tracks...:(

  8. I don't like her music and she can't sing but I'm fine with this. Sure it will be better than the worst song of all time featuring the worst artist of all time God Save Our Young Blood. Maybe Neil will even photograph them together?

    Just googled WTF she's 25 so young. I thought she was like 33 just slightly younger than Lana


    oh my

  9. the only thing I know Zella for is that viral post of her accusing lady gaga of copying her poses in a photo or something :awkney: maybe I’ll get into her if I like the collab


    i really suggest listening to Where Does the Devil Hide? 4/5 tracks are already out. Her last LP was also amazing (but very different sonically)--East of Eden has one of my favourite bridges ever (If I wanted to stay/You don't mind, you're a true believer)

  10. even the Honeymoon cover as tragic as it may be, is 10x more interesting than the UV cover :awkney: she definitely could’ve pulled off a b&w cover but just a more interesting shot would’ve been great


    NFR was the only Lana cover I instantly loved tbh 

  11. I always expect the worst from critics. Lana has been receiving good reviews from them for the past years but most of these critics are dumbasses. I will never forget that one pitchfork reviewer who gave Bedtime Stories a 6 because he didn't understand the album when he was a kid so, as an adult, that meant the album was not that good :rip: brain for worms I swear some of them have...


    there's no real training for "critics", a lot of them studied neither music or journalism...they're just private citizens with platforms 

  12. Critics will use the IG drama to overshadow the quality of the music. Everything she releases this year will be contextualized w/ the current events it was released within, and her actions throughout. It sucks, but it is what it is.


    Mainly because, in general, we have forgotten how to separate the artist from the art..."critics" have been doing the same thing to any creator who also shares their private life with the world (via social media, mainly). Same thing happens to Madonna, MJ, Ann Wintour, Bella Hadid etc. etc. etc. Imagine if everyone in the planet had their work and professional life gauged by who they are/what they do in private, off hours--it would be absurd and outrageous. 


    Any true "music critic" will allow themselves to focus only on the body of work when Lana releases, and not contextualize Chemtrails beyond the work itself. In my opinion, anyone who does drag Lana's personal life, beliefs, and work beyond her body of music; is more of a (n unsolicited) therapist than a music critic...

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