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Posts posted by Mer

  1. So was no one gonna tell me that “Betty” is from Jame’s perspective, “Cardigan” is from Betty’s perspective, and “August” is from the other girls perspective!!!

  2. Just now, fucksforever said:

    if you enjoyed it, i highly recommend speak now or red! and then all her other albums as well obviously. she's always been an amazing songwriter, you just need to dig into her catalog a little bit. i promise it'll be worth it.

    Yes! I've noticed, for me, there's a very significant drop in quality between the writing of her big singles and her album tracks (We Are Never Getting Back Together vs All To Well, e.g.)...will definitely dive into her deeper cuts!

  3. The Lakes is out on streaming. 

    Honestly I was never a Taylor fan before this album, but this album is truly a masterpiece in both writing and production. Truly the best album so far of 2020

  4. 37 minutes ago, FloridaKiloMyself said:

    LIB isn’t that great either. It’s pretty easy to see why it was scrapped in my opinion, it almost feels unfinished.... something’s just missing

    I don’t think it was scrapped? I think it was just literally unfinished...

  5. 7 minutes ago, reaperofthepack said:

    Ties go to The House of Representatives which is unlikely to be retaken by Republicans as there has been a party re-alignment in the Suburbs in the democrats favor. However all of that is moot as Faithless Electors are more likely than The House of Representatives getting a vote. Some electors voting against their state happened in 2016.That swaying a victory to either column is likelier than an actual tie

    Yes i def think biden will win a tie, however it will inflame the Trump supporters and a huge portion of the GOP a lot more than a narrow Biden electoral win 

  6. 24 minutes ago, gyu said:

    why does this not surprise me lmfao. seriously scared about trumps reaction (and his army of supporters) if/when biden wins. i mean, he said he'd "have to see" about accepting a loss. what even. :oprah2:

    And personally, I don’t believe Biden’s gonna have a landslide win. I think it will be as close as 278 vs 260 Biden to Trump; giving Trump supporters all that much more motivation to dispute the results. 

    At the end of the day, the Supreme Court will never allow it; even w a conservative majority. Gore Vs Bush is precedent. But, the scars left on our democracy by Trump’s supporters and their “twitter civil war” will be felt for a long time—until the GOP can completely rebuild its image. 

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