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Everything posted by Mer

  1. For anyone still following the general election: 55 days until polls close. Swing states of PA, WI, MI, and AZ don't begin counting ballots until after polls close, so we may see a Trump lead early on Nov. 3, but in a few days the states all tip to Biden. FiveThirtyEight places Biden at a 70% chance of winning the Presidency, with 334 electoral votes (see map in spoiler). If you are voting by mail, pls drop off ur ballot ASAP (don't rely on the postage system, drop it off yourself if you can). For dual citizens living outside of the US currently (like me!), you should receive your ballot by the end of this month (I believe) and it pls send it back to the US by mid-October. Also make sure you're mail-in-ballot is properly filled out and signed, so in the event of a recount, the Trump admin cannot disqualify it!. Cheers everyone!
  2. How did you manage to get it into Apple Music? I can’t get the purchased files off of iBooks!
  3. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Valley of the dolls vs. Young and beautiful
  4. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    Ma’am this is the Instagram thread.
  5. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Shades Of Cool vs. Mariners Apartment Complex
  6. I see a lot of confusion over the line “I never really had a mother”. I think it’s important to remember that you can know and love the woman who birthed you, but still feel like you never had a motherly figure in you’re life. I relate to this line a lot, bc I love the woman I call “maman”—and she is my partner in crime; but she was never a motherly figure. I learned from a very young age that I was more mature than she was, and things that mildly upset me were devastating for her. So I never could seek that solace in her one attributes to a mother...and I have spent 20 years looking for a “mom”. Even though I adore my real mother and would do anything for her, I never really had a mother either. It’s just that, things aren’t so black and white.
  7. She doesn't have an account. And if she did, she's such a good actress/pretender/liar, she'd probably be the last person we expect
  8. “My Third Eye Is Blind—But I Still See the Beauty”
  9. Life is Beautiful (bc of ur previous avi with the umbrella!) [i do hope that was you and i'm not just confused]
  10. Norman Fucking Rockwell Lust For Life Honeymoon Paradise Ultraviolence Born To Die AKA
  11. Anyone play FNAF lmao? Should I make a thread or are we collectively too old for it
  12. tbh i don't think anyone is definitively convinced one way or the other...the issue isn't as black and white as it seems, and there's a lot of evidence that would disallow someone to make up their mind in order to answer it with a resounding "yes" or "no".
  13. I don't understand the "Lorde only has a career because of Lana" narrative? Lorde's breakout singles (Royals, Team) aren't sonically or structurally like anything Lana had done at the time? If anything, Grimes and Gwen Stefani paved the way for Lorde sonically? I think Melodrama is a bit more Lana-esque, but I still don't see that clear a connection between the two (whereas I def see a connection between Lana paving the way for artists like Zella Day, FKA Twigs, and maybe even Florence)
  14. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    The more albums that get released in 2020, the more it becomes clearer that Taylor is truly at the top of her game. She's miles ahead of everyone else sonically and lyrical--and tbh i think its because of her close relationship with her fans. She doesn't really write about her own celebrity-world troubles in her music, she writes them from the perspective of her average teenage fans, who share stories with her and she listens; and that's what makes her music so universally relatable. Not many of us can relate to living for cheering crowds, or overcoming the confusing world of celebrity--but we can all relate to love triangles, high school drama, drifting apart from our childhood friends, etc. etc. And that's why all her music has always been "folklore", bc it captures the common feelings of a group/subculture, and not just Taylor herself
  15. His term was slated to end in Sept. 2021 There will likely be an interim leader until a general election can be called soon
  16. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan will resign due to ill health. Serving eight consecutive years, he is the country’s longest ruling leader. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/world/asia/shinzo-abe-resign-japan.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  17. Idk if anyone other than me checks this thread but, just to keep everything up to date: As the RNC heads into its final night, Trump closes in on Biden in betting markets—over fears that Postal Ballots will not be properly counted for. The GOP has refused to write a new party platform—instead using the 2016 platform. Trump has vowed to defund mail-in-voting because he believes it will lead to election rigging at a massive scale.
  18. Mer

    Katy Perry

    I wish she’d go back to the alt-rock sound she started out with. OOTB is one of the best pop albums of the 00s, and she wrote a handful of those tracks completely by herself (including her magnum opus: Thinking Of You)... Ever since she switched to a more electronic/modern sound (to compete with Gaga?) her writing quality as drastically fallen. NRO is the only thing she’s released post-Teenage Dream that can even touch her earlier works; and it’s sad because I think she could deliver another really great OOTB style album
  19. Mer

    Katy Perry

    Katy and Oralndo's daughter is named Daisy Dove Bloom
  20. Hurricane Laura is a near category 5 storm headed for Texas and Louisiana. The National Hurricane Center says “large and destructive waves will cause catastrophic damage” to a roughly 150-mile stretch of the Gulf Coast. Store hours have been extended to 6am-11pm for citizens to stock up on supplies (though certain items will be limited per number of ppl in your household). You can find live updates here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/26/us/hurricane-laura-update.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage Stay safe Texan and Louisianan Lana fans!
  21. Mer

    That Kid

    see y'all better be nice
  22. Update on the Maxwell Situation: She is being held in prison until July 2021, when her trial begins She is no longer on suicide watch, but is not allowed out of her cell, or to mingle with other inmates In weirder news, it is being theorized and debated that the 8th most popular Redditor of all time (maxwellhill) is in fact, Ghislaine Maxwell, proof here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Epstein/comments/hnckn0/umaxwellhill_the_reddit_account_with_the_8th_most/
  23. Melania Trump actually killed it in her speech tonight. The use of the Rose Garden (though borderline unethical, as govt resources shouldn't be used as campaign props) and having a live crowd gave the illusion that the pandemic is over and the economy has already recovered. I hope everyone jammed together in that audience was tested...but whoever planned this speech (wether it was Melania's own East Wing team, or the Campaign) really hit the nail on the head. Also that speech sounded more like Melania was announcing her own candidacy, than endorsing her husband lol
  24. Mer

    Katy Perry

    Damn I really thought Katy Perry could save modern-day female pop...looks like our last hope is Ariana and Dua...why have all the pop girls from the 00s, 10s evolved into complete disasters?
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