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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 24 minutes ago, gyu said:

    why does this not surprise me lmfao. seriously scared about trumps reaction (and his army of supporters) if/when biden wins. i mean, he said he'd "have to see" about accepting a loss. what even. :oprah2:

    And personally, I don’t believe Biden’s gonna have a landslide win. I think it will be as close as 278 vs 260 Biden to Trump; giving Trump supporters all that much more motivation to dispute the results. 

    At the end of the day, the Supreme Court will never allow it; even w a conservative majority. Gore Vs Bush is precedent. But, the scars left on our democracy by Trump’s supporters and their “twitter civil war” will be felt for a long time—until the GOP can completely rebuild its image. 

  2. 3 hours ago, veinsineon said:

    Why is it that almost any issue the world has is because of Israel? If you follow almost ANY global issues back as far as they go ; more often than not, Israel is involved.


    seriously can we just wipe Israel off the face of the earth?

    i agree, but also as someone who lived in the ME for awhile--my family instilled in me that Israel is the one thing keeping us safe from our own dictators...that the fear Israel instills in the leaders of Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, etc, is the reason we haven't totally been killed and nuked by our own govts...

  3. 6 hours ago, daphnedinkley said:

    do you guys ever wish you could just make minor lyrical adjustments to lana's songs? not that i'm much of a songwriter myself so idk what made me think i have the right :scoff:

    but like for example, in NFR when lana says:

    "Your poetry's bad and you blame the news"

    i kinda wish instead she said

    "Your poetry's bad and you blame the muse"

    idk i just feel like it would work a little better in my brain

    I want Mariners to be “I’m the bolt the lighting the thunder” instead “board” wth does “board” even mean and what’s it gotta do with the lighting and thunder?

  4. Holy crap Midnight Sky is amazing. I honestly didn’t think she’d ever top Slide Away, but she did! 
    Also tbh Miley has one of the best vocals in pop music rn. Her voice is so smooth and so controlled and pleasant to listen to, and she doesn’t overdo it 

  5. Updates: Katy Perry, Octavia Spencer, and Jay Leno (lmao) have publicly supported Ellen, while others (including ex-DJ tWitch have come out against her).

    She has vowed to keep her show going thru 2022/23. 

    Advertisers are not expected to boycott her show over the allegations--however if her viewing numbers dramatically decrease, they will leave 

    Personally: if Jay Leno ever vouches for you, that pretty much proves you're a pretty scummy person lol 

  6. Israel and the UAE have entered a diplomatic agreement—in which Israel will no longer annex (read: colonize) the West Bank, and both countries will have peaceful relations. 

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/us/politics/trump-israel-united-arab-emirates-uae.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

    A move in the right direction for ME peace (imo)...sadly Trump supporters will see it as a Trump Admin win tho

  7. 1 minute ago, IanadeIrey said:

    Glad we're back! Missed you all <3

    In other news, this account posted this "leaked" snippet of White Hot Forever that I'm 99.999% sure is fake based on the over-pronunciation of words to sound like Lana and they're claiming it's Yes to Heaven reworked, thought you'd all like to see: 


    "...if you get let him/you ask to get him a finger/you brings them in/if you will leave, then your a ginger....WHITE HOT FOREVER" 

    a lyrical genius...

  8. so im starting to get into Ms. Day

    why did she disappear from music for a few years?


    I heard someone say something about contact negotiations or something? I hope it worked out for her in the end, and she's getting paid what she deserves  

  9. I wasn't on Lanaboards during the NFR! pre-release period, but I saw a few comments mentioning that Lana tends to change the dates of her releases. Also, these comments sometimes mention "March 5" as the previous release of NFR!, but I don't think I truly ever saw something like that on her social media. With that being said, she did for sure announce Sept. 5 as the upcoming date for Chemtrails. I believe she also mentioned making the album a "surprise release," but I don't know if back then she meant the date or just simply having no singles and just dropping the album all at once. 


    I wasn't on LB either during NFR, but I remember reading interviews after MAC came out about how she and Jack had finished some tracks that she had organized and hoped to release by March or something. Then i think a rather reputable news site (maybe Billboard?) said NFR would be out March 29th...

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