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Posts posted by Mer

  1. It's where all the missing people are.


    False. Children are statistically more likely to be kidnapped and trafficked by people they know and trust than strangers. Stop spreading false news and distracting from the actual atrocities we know happens on a daily basis. Not everything has to be some big conspiracy for ppl to have a strong emotional reaction, if you can only sympathize with the victims of abuse and trafficking bc you think it’s some organized “cabal of elites”, not only are you extremely privileged—you are part of the reason our justice system doesn’t work properly. Stop desensitizing ppl to the real issue.

  2. does poetry count? I did this cover of "Never To Heaven" bc I relate to it so much. I replaced Joe with Jill, bc that was my ex-gf name and it just felt right...and i replaced Long Beach with the city of Vancouver, which is where my grandparents live and seems to be developing at such a quick rate its shocking (i apologize to anyone who doesn't like the fact that I didn't keep it "pure")


  3. what do you call a lana del rey bootlicker?

    Still waiting for the punchline of this stellar joke set up

    Anyone who thinks you can’t be distracted while driving a stick shift has never visited the south of France.

  4. The fact that she mentioned Tulsa Jesus Freak: White Hot Forever twice in the last weeks reassures me. Plus she is super active on her Insta, which she was last year, before she dropped the date, cover and tracklist of NFR. Plus the code on her website....

    I really believe this week will be the week confirming it all.


    I think it will really depend how Interscope will want to get involved in her next projects. NFR did good and received critical acclaim and Chemtrails being made with the same producer gives her a lot of liberty for that project... But after that, who knows what will happen, especially if Chemtrails flops?

    Honeymoon is still her weakest album when it comes to streams... so no wonder Interscope sat down with her to make sure they had a better commercial success with LFL.


    I wonder if she’ll ever have enough capital/investors to make it worth going independent/starting her own label. Altho, I think the only two women who succeed in starting their own label (and then selling it) are Madonna and Beyoncé?
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