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Posts posted by Mer

  1. Ugh I thought this would be about her being investigated for some crazy conspiracy like trafficking kids or something. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

    Not to derail the thread, but I don’t really believe that Ellen is in some sort of child trafficking Epstein ring...its one thing to be a bad boss, a whole other thing to be a mentally deranged/disturbed criminal

  2. Although Ellen is not under invsestigation herself per se for this, but rather a couple of execs in her team. People have allege for years that this "be kind to one another" narrative she's been pushing ad nauseam for years is only a mere façade. She's been said to be not so nice and kind of a pain in the ass behind closed doors.


    Personally speaking, she always came across as very shady and not that overly friendly to me. There's just something incredibly phony about her.

    I always found her to be a little “off”. Her humour seemed to be best when making fun of people/making her guests uncomfortable. I stopped watching her show on YouTube after she made fun of Saoirse Ronan for (possibly) being a virgin after she told ellen she “doesn’t date”....just something that didn’t sit right.


    But beyond that, this issue is not all about Ellen and how she treats her guests—and my intention wasn’t to create an “everyone hates ellen thread”. A toxic workplace is a very serious thing, that impacts the personal and professional lives of many who work there adversely.


    Ellen Degeneres’s Show is under investigation by Warner Media, for issues regarding “a toxic workplace”. Warner and NBC both claim the investigation has nothing to do with the star of the show herself. Ellen was subject to a viral online campaign in which her past employers/service people who’d dealt with her exposed her bad attitude...she also replaced her union staff with an outsourced company during the coronavirus pandemic.

  4. That's the way things work. They will not change anything for any other reasons but profit. I mean - what's the point of even releasing it early as an audiobook if it's not aviable properly and the physical version only ships in october? If you don't own an apple-product, there is no proper way to listen to it rn.

    Audible is an amazon company and available on all platforms! You can either get a monthly subscription, or buy the audiobook individually!

  5. Anyways


    The fact that lana shops at the Ralph’s in pacific palisades makes me so uncomfortable I hate that grocery store with a passion


    How does my girl handle that awful parking lot

    Also I thought she lived in Malibu? Obviously I respect Lana’s privacy and it’s none of my business where she lives, but as a malibu native I’m surprised she drives all that way on the PCH to the palisades

  6. I'll say this again. & I'm not asking for a dl link, but I do wish it was on Apple Music or there was a download code sent from LDR when you buy the vinyl like her normal albums. I bought 2 and have only heard LA bc it's on Apple Music....  :crossed:  


    yes i paid 33 dollars for the hardcover book, i wished she had at least sent a download code to those like me who had. but oh well, 9 bucks for this masterpiece of an audiobook is never a purchase i could regret

  7. Violet (the poem) reminded me how absolutely important it is to unplug from the 24/7 news cycle, because sometimes it can be so frustrating listening to all this bad news ("everything) and being able to do "nothing" about it....until you realize that a lot of what's in the news is none of our business, and it certainly isn't our problem--and doing "nothing" is the best thing we can do 

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