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Posts posted by Mer

  1. I noticed the handle @ChemtrailsOverTheCountryClub hand't been claimed on insta so i took it for my secondary account...

    i kinda feel guilty--but i messaged lana from it saying if she wants it i'll happily give it to her, but i don't know she'll see it 


    did i do the right thing? 


    EDIT: whoops i misspelled "trails" as "trials" so i guess i'm in the clear haha

  2. I honestly expected Chromatica visuals to have a story? Like, who are the Spiritual ones? What's the name of Ariana's tribe/haus?


    What if we get a mini-movie of Chromatica on the day its released? Including the singles and it all comes together? Ending it with Babylon and that rumored MV with cave and Enigma being the voice in the sky telling them to go to Babylon?


    IDK, but I wish we got a storyline with ROM like the one we got in the beginning of SL

    gaga abounding a half-baked concept almost as soon as the reveals it? what else is new tbh


    omg is Writer In The Dark a Lana diss track? 


    i joke 


    but is it?


    Because Lorde came out and said something along the lines of "Oh I listened to Lana's album and I didn't find it very relatable. I mean, what girls are in Bugattis etc etc. I don't think it gives girls a good image or idea.... blah blah"


    Basically talking shit about her music so she hates her now


    ya i'd hate her too tbh. i get really pissed off at the culture of "relatability"...i see no reason why you are owed the right to see yourself in someone else. 

  4. does anyone else follow her on insta? why does girl keep jumping back and forth between NY and London? Like she was in the Hamptons last week but now seems to be in London today? 

    I get she probably flies private and isn't putting anyone at risk cuz she has immunity, but like what's the point of hopping around the globe lol 

  5. it was hardly a diss, she said something to the effect of "i understand where you are coming from, i've been there, but i would never put down other women like that, we're all in this together" etc. etc. etc.


    i found it kinda ironic tbh...if she truly believes "we're all in this together" she shouldn't have said anything. Also I think she missed Lana's point entirely...

  6. 2020 is a leap year. There was an extra day in February so every day after gets pushed ahead one day. In 2019 Sept. 5th fell on a Thursday. If this was a normal year that day would fall on Friday this year. Lana believes that leap years don't exist and are part of a much deeper conspiracy based on control by the unseen and unknown. Her calendar has Sept. 5th as a Friday. The album will be released on Saturday.


    man the fact that I bought this for 0.5 seconds 

  7. i feel like bloodpop bullied her into all these instrumental choruses. like that’s both songs from the album so far that have almost no lyrical content in their chorus, just bloodpop showing off his production skills. this is the same woman who wrote Bad Romance. she can do better than “rain. on. me.” and just an instrumental break.

  8. can we just stick to sharing our thoughts in the instagram thread...it’s too confusing going back and forth and having new threads pop up for the letters. really not trying to be rude, i just think it’s better to keep things cohesive.

  9. I wondered if the James Bond thing was anything to do with her always wanting to do a Bond theme, and then Billie came in and was offered to do a song for No Time To Die (but she just chose a Connery Bond pic for the aesthetics)

    yes i assumed she was chapped since she’s literally got the vibe of a bond girl and has already written songs better than any modern bond theme but they won’t give it to her.


    not to sound too crazy, but they probably know if they give it to her she’ll win the Oscar and they don’t want that for whatever reason...

  10. I honestly didn't think we would one day have a conversation about how much these cocky/clout-y stan/leaker's accounts just suck.


    also hopefully we can separate fans from friends. fans dont have someones best interest in mind, friends do. lets not blur those lines

  11. the fact that this may not even be the worst of it... she’s unpredictable at this point


    nah she better hold true to her word of today being her "final notes" on this topic. 

    or not i'm gonna have to intervene

  12. mini rant: 

    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 


  13. the "real video" of them clicking on her profile shows the person's phone going from 10% to 60%


    if we're talking about the same video, notice the messages don't have a flag icon between the video and "i" icon. def fake. 

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