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Posts posted by Mer

  1. I think the Lucky Ones demo with the heavy drums is super reminiscent of Nancy Sinatra so I could see something in that vein being the “bop” of this album - its warm guitars would fit in really well, and of course the obvious lyrics from chorus if we’re talking about star signs and being in love!


    i would love this album to have sounds along the lines of Lucky Ones and Lolita demos...those upbeat 60s vibes with the four-on-the-floor drum beats matched with the glittery guitars are heavenly 

  2. I think the issue moreso is your idea that only music that “talks about the human condition” can be classified as art, it’s pretty pretentious and false


    i guess what i meant was that i find the lyrics to lack any real depth or narrative, which i think all artists strive to do. i never said her work shouldn't be classified as art, i just said it misses the mark of what any artist would want to try to accomplish. 

  3. this is what you sound like saying "music collection"

    idk about anyone else but i don't want to hear this man speak on anything, more-so Lady Gaga


    oh haha i suppose "music collection" was the wrong word...library? i haven't spoken English since quarantine i'm beginning to forget it lmao 


    i'm sorry i seemed to offend you by the fact that i didn't much care for Chromatica...i really didnt think my criticism of a commercial album would be met with such backlash as to drag my personality, or my freedom to speak, into an argument.


    but anyways, she still got excellent reviews from critics far more important than me so I guess it doesnt much matter what i think, or at least it shouldn't to elicit such a hurtful response...

  4. This album isnt bad by any means but affirming it had replay value over its debut week would be a lie


    i removed from my music collection bc i honestly just never saw myself registering to it. its not very relatable...mainly bc the lyrics lack any kind of introspection/commentary on the human condition (which imo is the primary purpose of art) 

  5. Based off the COCC pre-release thread, I gather theres a lot of hate for Tomorrow Never Came? 


    It was my favourite song on first listen from the album, and along with Get Free, Herion and Change; is a song that I still have in my heavy rotation from LFL. 


    Although, I do concede, the bridge in the demo version was much more lyrically pleasing. I have no clue as to why in the world she thought "isn't life crazy you say/now that I'm singing with Sean" was better/more thematic than "baby you have to forget/and I have to move on". The latter is so relatable to so many people, the former is a poor attempt at breaking the 4th wall

  6. Screen-Shot-2020-07-24-at-12-11-41-PM.pnfor everyone wondering about the code in her store



    "var twoMonthsFromNow = new Date(Date.now());
          twoMonthsFromNow.setMonth(twoMonthsFromNow.getMonth() + 2);"


    This could have been added earlier this month (July 4 maybe?) so that the website changes from "pre-order COTCC" to "COTCC now available!" or something?


    if i remember my intro to coding class well, i believe this code is saying when "two months from now" expires, it gets replaced with "new Date"

  7. Go to Google and search “Lana Del Rey shop”. Look for the result from her official store. No need to click. It will something in the likes of you can buy merchandise from NFR and preorder her 2020 new album Chemtrails.



    Confirmed! if you go to view-source:https://lanadelreystore.com it will be there!


    found it! 


    am I allowed to post a screenshot of the code for others to see as well? 

  8. it's standard operating procedure for people who want to feel superior without doing anything to actually help anyone. Find someone who is trying to do something good, and pick a fault with it. IOW, the entirety of Stan twitter.


    it's not just stan twitter unfortunately--it's growing like an epidemic and affecting even private citizens. hopefully it's a direct cause of quarantine and ppl having too much time on their hands, and will go away once the world reopens again

  9. Ouf, I hadn't thought of that. It really would have to be done with a lot of taste and tact, if she doesn't want all hell to break loose with criticisms after that. 


    What a sad thought. Random people behind computer screens will criticize her for (potentially) doing something that obviously the native community consented to, and that really shouldn't affect the lives of random people behind computer screens...

  10. It's best she doesn't use her platform for politics, imo. Not only are political views private (like @@AlexParliament said), she'll be dragged by conspiracy theorists no matter who she supports. 


    We don't need Lana's instagram comments filled with pizza-emoji's and "adrenochrome" comments like almost every other American celebrity rn...

  11. Starting to doubt the Sep 5th date because on this site https://www.allaccess.com/triple-a/future-releases  lots of artists already have their singles ready to be played in August (which is when Lana should start doing promo for COCC), and there's nothing from her yet which is making me a bit...doubtful


    I don't think this list is a done deal? It's still growing as more and more artists register/release? 

  12. “Chemtrails” actually are not real. Airplanes release contrails while flying at high altitudes and when flying at cruising speed. I know a lot about airplanes but I won’t bore any of you with the technical details of jet engines. A handful of people in my family have worked for the airlines so I know about this. There is a conspiracy theory that airplanes release chemtrails as a way of controlling people through dropping these Chemtrails. The issue of Chemtrails is addressed in the recent seasons of The X Files and Stephen King’s The Mist. I think with this title that Lana will be playing on how this society believes things that are not true and how misinformation and conspiracy theories spread of social media. I think she will continue to reflect on these issues of contemporary American life.


    I always interpreted the title as a mocking of the many conspiracy theories that state the "elite" are "mind controlling" us through the use of chemicals in the air/water/through cell phone towers; yet these theories fail to point out the fact that those same "elites" would be a victim to their own nefarious deeds (i.e. chemtrails would still exist over the country club; the "elite" method of mind control would harm them too). 

  13. I could see the record sounding similar to ‘Andromeda’ by Weyes Blood. It sounds like an extension of California and some of Lana’s folkier tracks melody and rhythm wise but with some surfy guitar riffs, lush strings and a touch of psychedelia. Maybe a bit of country-rock swing without being tacky. It also has a classical feel and composition and I would love for Lana to explore that sound in depth!


    I would love something like Andromeda sonically, but with some more classic rock tropes (e.g. Wild Horses, You Can't Get Always Get What You Want; The Rolling Stones) lyric wise. 


    I love Weyes Blood, but I find her lyrics a bit confusing lol (maybe I'm just not that bright though) 

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