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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 14 minutes ago, shadesofblue said:

    did your vinyl have the entire album? I wanna get one, but I wasn't sure if the vinyl still has missing tracks or not :deadbanana: 

    ah no, like all the vinyls, it was missing Spaghettii, The Linda Martel Show, Ya Ya, Flamenco, and Oh Louisiana. 

    I’m sure a proper Cowboy Carter vinyl will be released very soon. Probably a box set, like the “standard” Renaissance vinyl was. 

  2. Got my vinyl today. Similar to Renaissance, the sound quality is incredible. One of the best in my collection. Not a single instance of sibilance, or a pop or click. Still peeved about the "limited translucent black" copy that I bought being just standard black vinyl that's now sold on Amazon. 


    My favorite tracks currently: 

    1. Tyrant
    2. Ameriican Requiem 
    3. Daughter
    4. Just For Fun 
    5. Bodyguard

  3. 8 minutes ago, barttttender said:

    It's also something she hasn't done before.


    Eh tbh some interludes are less interesting than the little 13 Beaches intro, so I feel like she's flirted with the idea of incorporating vintage audio/old Hollywood film monologues into her work. I'm fine with them being part of the song and not a separate track that ruins my shuffle experience lol 

  4. 10 minutes ago, That Venice Bitch said:

    Just posting this here in case the person is a LB user, but whoever has come up with "The Serene Queen Collection" and has used all of my years of hard work as their own, using my metadata, cover art, formatting, and page layout for their own "exclusive" site, then commenting on my months-old Instagram posts promoting "your own" collection to my followers, you can sincerely go fuck yourself


    This was a really horrible thing to do. I know that neither TVB or this new person were/are making money off of it or anything - but TVB put a lot of work into making everything perfect for other fans and invested a lot of time into this, and we were all devastated when it got taken down. It's a big deal, and imo still constitutes as stealing. 


    If someone else wants to index their own collection, fine, but they should've started from scratch, not just reuploaded the huge amount of work that had already been done. 


    TL;DR: take it doen. Down. Now. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

    It’s just cos her music feels like coquette looks 

    I actually don’t think she’s musically coquette! Maybe some parts of BB and “Sweet” - but she jumped on the Coquette visual aesthetic band wagon in 2023. She def didn’t pioneer it tho 

  6. I feel like ppl are just triggered bc they want to be haters of cute little things, and they hate "locals" relating to Lana in some form. It's Easter, let the deepness and darkness go a bit and have some fun with a pretty little aesthetics :wubna:


    Lana isn’t “above” the coquette aesthetic 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Daytona Beach Sparkler said:

    Lana is absolutely not coquette. The whole "Lana is coquette" thing is just a huge mislabeling of her unique aesthetic 


    These images absolutely can fit into the "coquette" definition: 




    Albeit with her own unique twist - but the lace, bows, hyperfeminity can be squarely classified as "coquette" 

  8. Unpopular opinion, but I actually think she's adopted the "coquette" aesthetic more now than she did during BTD/UV. I think the Skims shoot, her 2024 Grammy's look, and some of her more recent aesthetics are more coquette than anything we got from the Wes Anderson-like BTD era and the Cali Cool UV era.  

  9. 4 hours ago, Olympia said:


    But what standard version were you talking about then in the post by you I've quoted? 

    oh I’m sorry I meant the “non-limited edition”. I’m guessing at some point there will be a vinyl that’s sold in stores like there was for Renaissance - probably not for a while since it seems it hasn’t been made yet - but when it is made I hope everything is on it 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Olympia said:


    Never seen this standard version so far anywhere. Have you? 


    I don't think it's a "standard" version tbh - I think she added some songs/interludes last minute - I also think she changed the name of the album and the cover art from "Beyincé" to "Cowboy Carter" last minute as well - since the vinyls/CDs don't actually have Cowboy Carter printed anywhere on them (aside from the hype sticker) 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Danny Milk said:

    So apparently both CD and vinyl release of the album are missing songs from the digital ver tracklist? Hopefully the standard version with the horse cover will include everything 💀

    edit: apparently “FLAMENCO” through “Oh Louisana” is missing. Mad if true. 

  12. Idk how people can even complain about this being too country. It’s bombastic, Americana, folk, and at times even wiTChY. It’s everything I want from a pop star going “country” 

  13. I see myself listening casually to Cowboy Carter songs more than I do Renaissance (which feels like something I need to listen to in full from front to back). 


    So far my favorite tracks are: 

    • Ameriican Requiem 
    • Daughter
    • Alliigator Tears
    • Just For Fun
    • Ya Ya 
    • Tyrant

  14. Spoiler

    Goodbye to what has been 
    Pretty house that we never settled in 
    A funeral for fair-weather friends 

    I am the one to cleanse me of my father's sins

    American Requiem 

    The melodies

    Are buried here





  15. 7 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    just listened to jolene


    its good! not as grand as i was expecting it to be and probably sonically level with dollys version. i still enjoyed it though and her voice works well with the track

    yes I def thought since in an interview Dolly said she’d love to see someone do to Jolene what Whitney did to IWALY - Beyoncé was gonna do a very “big” version of Jolene. 

    The “I would’ve shot Jolene” song kinda eats Beyoncé’s a bit tho ngl on levels of gangsta. 

  16. God was in the room when she made American Requiem 



    I also can’t believe she and Taylor Swift beat up Kim Kardashian together in the women’s washroom (“I ripped your dress, you’re all black and blue - look what you made me do”)


  17. She really kept this album locked up well. There hasn’t been a single lē@ k and Renaissance was out there 2 days before the drop (where we are now)

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