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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 12 minutes ago, The Siren said:


    There was some speculation earlier in the thread that they broke up before midnights came out and only appeared together in public to keep people from thinking midnights was a breakup album and because I think Joe had something coming out too so the breakup didn't overshadow their projects

    Ya idk. On one hand - maybe. But on the other hand, both of them would’ve actually benefited from the publicity of the breakup, and Midnights would’ve probably gotten more attention if it was the breakup album and the true other side of Lover. I think they were just a messy couple as much as Swifties hated to admit it and were on-and-off for a long time. I don’t think someone in a totally happy relationship (the way Swifties painted it) of 4 years would’ve written folklore and evermore

  2. 2 minutes ago, Aeryx said:

    So is YLM not about Joe? Or maybe she wrote it during one of the downs of their relationship?

    oh sorry good point - YLM is def about Joe, but for whatever reason their relationship lasted a whole year longer despite that. I guess we’ll find out why in April 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Girl With No Face said:

    So if she's been writing this for 2 years, does this intertwine with the Midnights sessions?

    Midnights sessions ended Dec. 2021 with YLM. She started writing TTPD sometime in 2022. If this is the Joe breakup album, and they were last seen together Oct. 2022, I’m speculating she started writing this summer 2022 when the relationship was at its end and a lot of it was written and recorded after they broke sometime in late 22/early 23. 

  4. 1 hour ago, NikoGo said:

    I’ve seen people say they want an album full of You’re Losing Me, and personally that sounds like a nightmare 


    This is a nightmare for me bc I only play "You're Losing Me" when I am at my most down-bad state humanly possible. I could not listen to Tortured Poets on a regular basis if it's as dark and heavy as "You're Losing Me" - I genuinely think that one is darker than anything on folklore/evermore

  5. I WISH I could find my old PSP so I could play Lego Star Wars again. Honestly my PSP was probably my favorite device growing up (the screen was much better in quality than the Nintendo DS's of that era) and I have not a clue where it went. 


    I don't think there were any other Lego PSP games that I was interested in at that time, but damn did the Star Wars one hit different. 

  6. Honestly I am more annoyed by there not being a full digital album with all the bonus tracks at the time of the release. It ruins my Spotify/Last FM stats (I know I am splitting hairs here, but it does become a nuisance when my top albums are two different versions of the same album that were released weeks/months apart) 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Olympia said:

    On Facebook, several Swifties ("top fans", too) are revolting and complain about her one bonus track per vinyl. 

    it is ridiculous espc with the timed webstore exclusive drops. I know Lana also has had lots of variants for her more recent albums, but they were available immediately and widely IIRC (sans retail/amazon exclusive ones) and all had the same track list. I wish she just dropped all the variants at once and kept them up - and we could just chose our favorite aesthetic. 

  8. There’s a McDonald’s boycott?? But McDonald’s is a collection of independent franchisees licensing the brand, and many locations are Arab owned - why punish them?


    Besides, if you’re actively putting enough McDonalds food into your body whereby stopping to do so would have a significant economic impact, you should rethink other life choices. 

  9. An insider who claims to have heard the album says the TikTok leaks are not real and the album will have a very “different” and “unexpected” sound. Take with a grain of salt bc it’s hearsay of hearsay…

    Also if we are to believe this is the Joever album, the way Speak Now was the Mayer album—she might include touches of Joe’s favorite music/genres just to mess with him—and apparently Joe loved Bon Iver’s i,i glitch-pop sound 

  10. 20 minutes ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    i think people r just getting poorer

    this is such a Mer™️ thing to say (before I learnt to censor myself) 💀💀💀

  11. 20 minutes ago, Cum Sock said:

    What pisses me off is that I bought both of the limited edition CDs and got charged shipping for both of them.  There’s literally no valid reason for them to be shipped separately

    if you email her store they’ll combine and refund the shipping I heard 

  12. 23 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    And I'm non binary so thanks for that

    given that I am a man, I obviously used it in a gender neutral way to joke about you thinking I was asking how song submissions work:um3:

    I wasn’t intending to misgender 

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