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Posts posted by Mer

  1. I’m still surprised Taylor won. Not only bc I don’t think Midnights was not on par with folklore, Fearless, and 1989–but mainly bc I felt like they told her to make her announcement during the first award (which was sort of awkward) and would’ve been much more impactful and a “moment” if she announced it at the end of the show, and the Grammys should’ve told her as much. 

  2. Just now, ArtDecoVintageGirl said:

    Me , i think i may beat your dad to it.

    I can't imagine how people can enjoy that tbh. Granted that i'm a metal fan and i really dislike pop in general , Lana is a league of her own and amazing i don't lump her with the others ... not that it matters ,but Lana is the only one in that room that catches fans outside her genre ... metal / jazz / synthwave , we all love her.

    my dad just genuinely thinks Billie is to blame for all the mumble songs and he says it annoys him bc he feels like they’re purposefully whispering and doing it to make him look stupid when he can’t understand the lyrics :true:

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