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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 11 minutes ago, Nightcall said:


    I bet (and hope) she announces Rep next week. It’s the one I’ve been looking most forward to!

    I still believe in the 112 days thing. 112 days after the start of the tour Speak Now TV dropped, 112 days after that 1989 TV was released, and 112 days after that will be Feb. 16th. I think this time the period between announcement and release will be shorter. 

  2. I feel like Lasso is exactly where Lana has been wanting to go since mid 2019 with NFR/COTCC/BB/and some parts of OB. I am expecting an album full of "Bartender", "Yosemite", "Mariners Apartment Complex", "Let the Light In" and "Sweet Carolina" with a country/folksy twist. I am soooo excited to start hearing these songs, and given how she announced the album (not some random Instagram post with a pics art cover), I am expecting a fully-fleshed rollout with visuals, music videos, and etc :pray2::oprah:

  3. 8 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    Don't you think these beefs are made up to increase sales? It's very transparent to me.


    If Nicki is purposefully monetizing the fact that she married a convicted r*pist that's even worse imo ngl

  4. Just now, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    Nicki is being insanely dramatic over a bar


    a bar that didn't even mention her and could be about quite a few people in the music industry :eyes:

  5. editing actually bc I want to make it clear that Nicki Minaj has done a lot of good with her public image. She is and has been a philanthropist since the beginning of her career. 

    Why she’s ready to erase that legacy over a man (a convicted-felon, nonetheless) is beyond me; when she is very much someone who built a platform on female empowerment. 

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