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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. spill. Bus is out too. It shouldve been 9 tracks or 10 with dealer
  2. White Dress: 9/10 COCC: 9/10 TJF: 10/10 LMLYLAW: 7/10 Wild at Heart: 8.5/10 the sound crackles on the bridge r unlistenable.... jack what u doing DBJAG: 11/10 NAWWAL: 11/10 my favorite rn Yosemite: 8/10 i love the bridge BUS: 0/10 no words DTWD: 8.5/10 the bridge is too short For Free: 0/10 who thought it was a good idea to make it a closer
  3. the way almost every article is calling him anemic for some reason is sending me
  4. period! Wild at heart outsold How to flop and Wander outsold Chemtrails
  5. why is there a weird sound on Wild at heart bridge? like she was using a 1$ microphone and it couldnt handle the loud vocals i thought my headphones were breaking. Jack imma start hating u again
  6. do we think the posters from record store will be sold??? i would die for the Dbjag one
  7. i hope this is not the thing lana was planning to do for years
  8. the best songs on the album: every one of them except for Flopping slowly and For flop
  9. Empik gave me a tracking number that doesnt exist its over
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