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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. im gonna stream norman flopping rockwell to lower my expectations so cocc makes me collapse again
  2. bye its gonna be 5am here when it releases nothing better than enjoying an album with a clock alarm and a headache
  3. i dont think it changed, i was reporting the anal yt account this morning and she had this banner already
  4. post release depression Hopefully we all r gonna meet each other again this year in a new prerelease most of the legends joined this year, waiting for the new legends to come next era
  5. wait so cocc can be out in some places in 12 hours? i already listened but im still not ready
  6. im pretty sure. The fact that Ben was quiet for like 3 weeks after lana revealed the cover and when he posted about it, he posted the alt cover i bet she made him change it in the last minute and he was furious
  7. it wont the only visual that made sense was the neil cover
  8. its not about that, its about the lack of style. She could buy a 1$ stock desert/forest photo and it would look amazing in a gatefold
  9. Serious question: wtf happened to the aesthetics? Did lana fire an visual director or sth? We had honeymoon and Lfl boxsets with spot on, beautiful professional photos. And perfect vinyl artworks with fitting gatefolds and inserts. Now everything looks like her insta photo dump. Im pissed cuz im obsessed with visuals to the point it can ruin the music for me. The vinyl gatefold
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