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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. so Lana just said shes recording two albums, see yall on the album announcement on the 19th
  2. shes firing him thru facetime
  3. let me guess, they write "this new album is so boring and uninspired its just nfr outtakes all of her music sounds the same btw im a huge fan of lana"
  4. daddy Rick did an interview about Lana and now reposted two Btd songs, do we delulus think theyre back together?
  5. im sceptical about Zach cuz i absolutely hate the 3 backup singers
  6. insta and twitter gays dont like cocc. And now they hate jack and want rick back. I was ahead of my time
  7. i equally love almost every track it never happened to me with any album before even lmlylaw sounds great now
  8. I listened two times only and it sucks cuz i didnt hear enough to remember every song but heard enough to have particular sentences harassing my mind so every day i just wake up with
  9. manifesting Lana announcing two covers albums, BTIG and the next album produced by daddy Rick on march 20th
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