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Everything posted by lanabanana11

  1. ok so now that dealer leaked can we PUH-LEASE get the damn california demo. like enough is enough already with that demo, i feel like hoping for it is like gazing at horizons but never quite reaching them...
  2. but why is it a complicated case? due to the contents of the song or some licensing behind the scenes thing?
  3. My theory! I think blue banisters will have her classic singer song writer goodness, and then the second album “Revenge Of Lana Del Rey” would be an iconic title, and could comprise of all the iconic trendy old unreleased that’s going viral on tik tok so she can get her coin!
  4. she never spoke about a poem with that name. she mentioned the children at the foot of her bed poem in the bbc interview but thats all go on insta and type in "bestamericanrecord" (the profile pic is lana with a reddish filter and sideways picture) and go to the post of lana in her kitchen in 2019 holding pink roses
  5. ok remember when Eclipse made that bestamericanrecord insta and posted lana tea? why has no one brought up that post where he said theres a song titled "My Father Told Me if I went Slowly I'd Be Safe - But He Was Wrong" "11 minutes" ... it sounds like another Hope on the album if it didnt get scrapped!
  6. question (for the culture), where did we hear about Yes to Heaven getting reworked for the last shadow puppets?? and do we know anything about how it sounds??? also the chemtrails rework? is that confirmed? and if so is it the one that people were saying was white hot forever and had lyrics that went something like "youre a crazy man, with your beliefs and your agenda, with your gun in hand, you lost your mind out in topanga"???
  7. did none of yall catch the Thunder reference in her insta post today? the one of the boats, they're called "regattas", and in thunder she says "regattas in the wind, thats why you're visiting"...
  8. whats the tea with the song Rosemary? who gave us this info?
  9. lanabanana11


    anyone know when the deluxe tracks are coming to streaming
  10. anyone know if we are getting vinyls for this release?
  11. did the full album leak?
  12. did eclipse post on twitter today that map of LA is coming august 8th? composed by gabe simon and the video dropping the same day
  13. lanabanana11


    that photo is of Lorde, in the nail salon, completely STUNNED
  14. lanabanana11


    i think this song would be so much better if it was titled "Stunned at the Nail Salon"... like shes there, getting her nails done, and she find out some SUPER HOT TEA about one of her friends or like a guy, and the information is just SO wild that shes.... STUNNED at the nail salon!
  15. lanabanana11


    I feel like Clairo has a similar discography journey to lana. Immunity was her BTD. Somewhat slow in general but more pop-ish and upbeat production wise, just soft vocals etc. Then her second album took a really different turn and was more slow and lyrical and focused in on a 70's singer song writer vibe, just like how Lana went w the 70's rock influences production wise and a more slower and somber sound than her pop-ish upbeat debut. All in all i was underwhelmed on FIRST listen only bc i was expecting an immunity pt 2 (aka more songs like Amoeba) however listening to it for what it is is ADORE this record. one of my favorites this year. Jack did a really really exceptional job and didnt sound stale!
  16. My lime green NFR came in the mail yesterday and it’s gorgeous ?
  17. Is there a compilation of everything BOZ has said? Especially after the cover art drop
  18. The banisters in the cover art are unpainted because he never came back to help her paint them blue.
  19. okay but at this point, shes done it so many times, its silly to believe any of it. hyping yourself up on the word of someone who's known to delay and go back on their word, is just silly. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
  20. first of all, its literally her SECOND album this year, check yourself. second of all, her fan base literally does NOT respect her. We (not i) drag everything she puts out, compare all her albums to her previous and if they arent a revolutionary ground breaking body of work they get slandered. Literally every release since Ultraviolence, barring NFR (HM, LFL, COCC) has been dragged upon release (and honeymoon only started receiving praise within the last year, so dont even try it). Whenever she posts a damn picture of her friends everyone complains. I don't think Lana owes us much of anything. I for one am excited we are getting ANOTHER new album this year despite all Lana has been put thru the past year or so by critics and her own fans...
  21. literally why on earth would she do that... literally all her fans do is complain about her music and say chemtrails sucked...
  22. does anyone know which coke bottle clear it is? the murky one or the super clear one
  23. ok this is so petty but its so BOTHERSOM...the song is currently called ROCK CANDY SWEET...it USED TO BE CALLED "Loved You Then and Now" ...i love prediction tracklists but come on people
  24. for everyone talking about lanas appearance: i typically do not think she looks any different (aside from the weight gain in 2020 but thats obvious) .... however this time its her forehead. ever since chemtrails release there has been something up w her face and ive settled on the fact its her forehead... dont know what she did but its been done
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