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Posts posted by Chemtrail

  1. I suppose I don’t, but I don’t *love* the cover for hope. It’s not good but I don’t hate it either. I don’t think the cover was released prior the song (or maybe my memory fails me) so it wouldn’t have mattered if it was a professional picture, but still... It’s such a beautiful song, I think it deserved something better. :poordat:


    I just don't know how you can care honestly. I care about album covers but don't we all know Lana doesn't care about singles? It's probably because I don't follow any other artists or care for music videos or any trivial stuff so I just take the music and enjoy it. If it needs more than that then it means the artist just isn't for me.

  2. Nah, last year was worse. People weren’t sure if she had canceled shows or not, she had teased basically all of Cinnamon, had us waiting for nearly a full year between the releases of MAC and VB and the album release day, used LQ selfies for VB and hope cover arts... Just a lot of uncertainty, fans literally had to look for answers ourselves. Still remember how some even went as far and contacted Abigail Rockwell to ask if the Rockwell estate had a problem with the album title. This era is so much more chill compared to last year. All we do now is complaining about her relationship with the cop, about the Violet who never seemed to be released and that she hasn’t said anything more for a week. (Or at least that’s how I’m feeling) When we finally got everything we needed to know about NFR!, everything went so fast. :)

    Did anyone actually mind about the cover artworks for singles being selfies? That's kinda ridiculous, as if something more professional would have made the wait any less tedious.

  3. I realistically think she will release at least 5 vinyl colours (black, Lana store exclusive, indie store exclusive, UO exclusive, picture disk), cause that's what she did for violet, which was just her side-project. That's why I only bought Violet as one book and one vinyl, she's coming for our wallets & don't forget that we're getting Behind the Iron Gates in March!

    It must all be a nightmare for collectors, too much effort for me lol

  4. Then maybe we are not getting a single next week? Maybe the preorder will come out later in August with a single ?

    Anyways, I must say that I was waiting for some kind of acknowledgment of Chemtrails and the snippet quenched my thirst for a couple of days. I just hope she won’t post too much snippets of the album though.

    What if her posting that snippet was her way of acknowledging we thought the pre-order was coming on the 5th? She prob avoided posting bc of the explosion in Beirut but the next day she posted that. She can't post a pre-order without an album cover on IG and probably wants to post it at the same time as the tracklist.

  5. But I think that's because she's also talking about mixing, which is different & more difficult than mastering as far as I know. I honestly don't think she's that involved in mastering.

    She probably isn't, it was just the way I remembered her and Courtney making the whole process of mixing and mastering sound tedious. I remember Lana saying if the mix isn't right it can take months too. I don't know. Let's stay optimistic anyway lol. She probably wouldn't have shared that clip of TJF if it wasn't coming very soon. I don't think she'll do what she did with NFR again where she gives us snippets of everything.

  6. http://www.audiobaymastering.com/mastering-turnaround-time/#:~:text=Mastering%20a%20full%20length%20album,if%20necessary%20but%20not%20recommended. This source says it takes about a week? I do believe the date, I don't think she would've teased us if she's unsure about the release date. If she did, she's a meanie :crazy:

    I kind of believe it, I'm just not 100% sure because idk how long it takes to prepare an album release and it seems the artwork hasn't been shot yet. I don't really know! but I found what I was remembering, it was from the Dazed interview with Courtney Love



    CL: I read that you spend a lot of time mastering and mixing. Is that true on this new record?


    LDR: Oh my God, yeah, it’s killing me. It’s because I spend so much time with the engineers working on the reverb. Because I actually don’t love a glossy production. If I want a bit of that retro feel, like that spring reverb or that Elvis slap, sometimes if you send it to an outside mixer they might try and dry things up a bit and push them really hard on top of the mix so it sounds really pop. And Born to Die did have a slickness to it, but, in general, I have an aversion to things that sound glossy all over – you have to pick and choose. And some people say, ‘It’s not radio-ready if it isn’t super-shiny from top to bottom.’ But you know this. Whoever mixed your stuff is a genius. Who did it?


    CL: Chris Lord-Alge and Tom Lord-Alge. Kurt was really big on mastering. He sat in every mastering session like a fiend. I never was big on mastering because it’s such a pain in the butt.


    LDR: It is a pain in the ass.


  7. An album only needs to be finalized 3 months before release for the sake of vinyl. That's why the LFL vinyls didn't come until September 29th. 


    Digital and CD turnaround is a lot quicker, so even though Lana finished the final mixes of the album in early June, we were still able to get it on streaming services and in CD format in time for July 21st! :)

    Thank you for answering! I didn't know the vinyls came out later.

  8. Posted this in the Violet Metacritic page, but thought it made sense to post here, too. 


    I really, really want Chemtrails to be released in September, but the problem with Lana is that she doesn't apologize. She doesn't see why people are upset about that stupid IG post, and if she is, she's unwilling to apologize for it. 


    Part of me respects her for that, because she stands in her mess, and if she feels she was completely misinterpreted, she has the right to feel that way. That said, it's probably going to impact her critically for a while, Chemtrails included. Don't be surprised if we get more mixed/negative reviews this year because of all this dumb drama, unless she addresses it thoroughly in the album. 


    Critics will use the IG drama to overshadow the quality of the music. Everything she releases this year will be contextualized w/ the current events it was released within, and her actions throughout. It sucks, but it is what it is.

    That post was turned into something it wasn't. Some critics will see that, others won't. It's ignorant to claim she's racist based on that post anyway. She just named big artists, it had nothing to do with skin colour so idk how anyone will make her out to be racist in a music review. That would be so stupid. The FKA Twigs comparison she made was a bit misinformed but aside from that everything she said was fine.

  9. Exactly! It’s all bullshit. Kanye running for President is just Kanye looking for attention, meanwhile Trump and Russia are loving it! Not to worry, Biden will win!

    I don't even know if Biden is a good person or not, I don't keep up with American politics because I don't live there and couldn't be paid to. It's beyond depressing.

  10. I don't even care if Kanye is gay tbh, I'm bored of celebrity bullshit. It's all fake and based on image, who is really gonna be genuinely surprised by anything at this point?

  11. what makes something a "proper era"? she's obviously not quarantining so pandemic or not the videos are probably gonna be homemade if there are any at all and she can do interviews over facetime or on the phone which she did when she announced MAC and VB

    I've seen people on here say BTD didn't have a proper era yet it had 6 music videos. I'm surprised anyone cares about that stuff anymore anyway. I feel like the era of music videos is over, seen it all before. I just take the album and thats it now. I guess they can be cute though. I doubt Lana still cares much about them, the days of National Anthem and Ride are over because they already exist. Doin' Time was cute though. Videos just feel trivial compared to any actual album imo.

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