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Posts posted by Chemtrail

  1. 8 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:

    I mean, Lana is one of my all time favs for almost 10 years and obviously I'm a super fan because I'm here. I'll always be super excited for new music and look foward to new releases because I think no one is doing what she does and no one touches my heart with singing and composing like she does

    My moon is pisces, I just like to dramatize lol, but I'm really not not living my life if she's not putting out new music, I'm just having fun here and joking with the girlies

    I do need a therapist tho, life is insane rn and not a single good thing happened to me or to people around me this year

    She's my favourite too and I feel the same but people should stop letting themselves get so invested in an upcoming release that their whole life consists of just waiting lmao. I'm here too but I'm not on the edge of my seat waiting for Lana to "do something", and it won';t be a massive deal if the album doesn't come in September. I almost don't care.

    I don't believe in star signs meaning anything about a person, I always thought that was a bit too self-important to be realistic. We aren't that important to the universe lol. People only want to matter because they feel pain.

    I don't think the Coronavirus has made the world itself worse tbh, it was shit before and it'll be shit after... not to be depressing or anything :toofunny: It's def affected others more than me though, I don't even keep up with the news on it. I got bored of hearing about it within a month and I just switched off. I don't go outside anyway. I don't feel a part of the world like that, it pretty much feels like nothing has anything to do with me lol. When it comes down to it idc if I die so it was never really a threat, I just wished the best for other people.

  2. 7 minutes ago, prettywhenimhigh said:

    yeah but that's another poetry book, not an album...

    I know. There's nothing else to suggest aside from maybe not relying on what one person is doing to keep you going in life. The way things are being described as if any wait was genuinely traumatising is ridiculous really. I literally do nothing and pretty much have nothing in my life and yet I'm still not being that dramatic about it. Some of you need therapy, not one new album.

  3. I mean ... all of the processes you describe have been discussed on this site before, and are common knowledge, but thanks for answering.

    If you two start arguing again I'm gonna have to call 911 on the culture

  4. How it works? Okay, here is how it works;


    1. Musician goes into the recording studio to record an album. Present in the studio is the producer(s) and engineer(s). Together they record the music.

    2. After the music is recorded, it goes to the mixer who mixes the recording.

    3. Then the recording goes to the mastering engineer who masters the recording. This is the final step. My father happens to be a Grammy-nominated mastering engineer so I have observed that process when I was growing up.


    So at this point the production of the album is done. The artist, producers, engineers, mixers and mastering engineers have completed their tasks with recording the album.


    Now it is heard by the artists team; their manager and agent. Then the record label hears it as it is presented to them by the artists team. Hopefully the record label is happy and doesn’t tell the artist that they can’t put it out there. Hopefully the artist is not told to go back into the studio to record something “radio friendly”. But this is why an artist has a manager and agent. They are supposed to ensure the label doesn’t give the artist a problem. If all goes well after the label hears it, then A&R does their thing and works on a plan for getting the album out there. So then comes marketing, promotional strategy etc. The artists manager works with the label on this hopefully.


    Also you need the album artwork so a photo shoot happens. The label sees that too, they make sure to green light that.


    So after all these things I mentioned above are resolved and planned out, then comes the time for setting a release date. The record label is really the one who sets the release date. The artist can push for a certain date and maybe the label says okay to that. The manager should push the label on getting the release date the artist desires. But that does not always happen. If depends on the artist, manager and record label in question.


    Now the release date is set. The label will confirm the date, so will the artist. Everyone starts bragging that new music is coming and here is the release date.


    Then the album is released. The artist promote the album. The manager gets the artist interviews on TV radio and in magazines.


    Then after that comes touring. The artist will likely team up with either AEG or Live Nation for that. But I’ll save the discussion of touring for another day because that’s a whole other conversation but touring is part of promoting when you think about it.


    So if you think I am acting like I “know better than everyone else” then that is your interpretation. If I talk about when Lana is releasing an album I am going to speak from a perspective which I understand because I do have people in my family who have worked in the music business. Since my father is a mastering engineer, I do know certain things. So shoot me if that offends anyone. Also, I happen to be Facebook friends with Adam Ayan (who mastered Honeymoon and Lust for Life) and Chris Gehringer (who mastered NFR). And no, I have not heard anything about COTCC from either of them.

    This was an enjoyable read until you mentioned being friends with people on Facebook. Don't rlly care about that but this is pretty accurate

  5. Okay Ben but she had teased that shit since 2018, so it was kinda like NFR in that we were (too) familiar with the content before she actually released it. So even though it's newly released, it doesn't really feel new.


    I personally prefer having nothing until it's actually released, except perhaps one lead single.


    Whatever, though - if she starts snippeting it up on IG I will refrain from listening. I haven't listened to the TJF snippet since the day she dropped it.


    Can someone please play it and see if it Shazams yet, though? Thanks

    I knew over half of it months before it was released but she doesn't necessarily release things just for people who are obsessed like us lol. Most didn't know the poems. I compiled them ages ago incase she never released the book but we still got 6 new ones with the audiobook. This is kinda why I don't obsess over anything she posts like that new snippet, it just dulls the experience.

  6. not that we should constantly be begging for new music, but i think we are sometimes justified in wanting quick releases because lana doesn't really go full out during her eras in general, she just doesn't operate in that way, so there's less content to hold fans over


    Most fans just love her music and don't care about promo, that stuff is trivial. She released a poetry audiobook 2 weeks ago

  7. There is really no point in counting down the days. Let's keep in mind that its only been a year since NFR and its only been a few weeks since Lana dropped her audiobook, plus the physical book is coming soon as well. The fact is Lana has been extremely generous with her art which is why I'm shocked that some people are actually complaining about when the album may or may not come out. 


    I come from a musical family and people in my family have worked in the music business, so maybe I'm just all too used to how this all works. 


    COTCC will come out when it comes out. I am pretty sure we will hear it sooner rather than later.

    She did say that her label was fine with her putting out albums whenever she wants to a few years ago so if everything's ready in time she'll probably do it. I still think that TJF post was her way of saying it's still coming because fans expected the announcement the day before.

  8. And I keep saying the time of the release actually is not entirely Lana's decision. I know people don't want to hear this but its true. The record label makes the final decision on the release date. Of course the artist tells the label when they would like it released and of course the artist's manager pushes too. This is why I keep saying that I'm waiting for the date to be confirmed by Interscope and TaP Management. 

    I'm not counting down the days personally, she released Violet a few weeks ago. We're all too obsessed with her music to be able to have many album releases without any speculation or hype so I'm just gonna enjoy it as Lana puts it out rather than obsess over it right now. I'd need a tracklist for that anyway. With all of that said I do shit myself when I get a notification from her on IG... :derpna3:

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